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What You Need to Know About Prop Money

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A film’s monetary transactions appear realistic when it uses prop money. Prop money, however, should still be regarded with caution since misuse can result in legal troubles.

Technology advancements have led to an increase in the popularity of the prop money industry. Furthermore, online platforms have made it easier to purchase it. In order to avoid legal problems, however, you should purchase prop money from a reputable dealer who complies with all laws and regulations. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about prop money and other helpful tips, including:

  • What is the purpose of prop money?
  • How legal is the use of prop money?
  • Is it legal to buy replica money online?
  • Exactly who monitors prop money?
  • Are third parties able to buy from you?
  • In the event that an item is purchased with counterfeit currency, how should you react?
  • The difference between counterfeit money and prop money
  • History of Proposition Money
  • What is the origin of replica money? 

Prop Money- The Start

The use of counterfeit money by entertainment companies has become critical because it can be incorporated into productions. In 1903, “The Great Train Robbery” featured real money for the first time. The U.S. government decided to burn real money by using fake money in movies after fake money production increased.

Many film production companies then used an old Mexican currency. Some companies took advantage of the drying up stock by entering the growing market. Their replica money looked like actual currency, and it became an important part of the entertainment industry. Prop cash is an industry that continues to grow today, with many companies entering the market.

What Is the Purpose of Prop Money?

Today, many entertainment companies use prop money in their film productions. Films and YouTube videos are among their applications. The following are some ways to use counterfeit money:


Prop money is often used in YouTube pranks. In some videos, you may see as much as $5 million. These are replicas of money and are used to entertain fans.

Film Industry

The props that are needed for some scenes in Hollywood movies and television shows are also necessary. Producers of a Batman movie costing $5 billion invested in prop money.

Even if they only need a small amount of replica money, why do entertainment companies choose it? In the U.S., it is illegal to disfigure, deface, cut or mutilate a note, draft, or bank bill. Breaking this rule may result in punishment such as imprisonment or a fine. Because of this, real money may not appear in movies even if the production company has it.

TV Shows

TV shows also require props to advance their scenes. In “Lucky Day,” gangs were playing poker with piles of money. (A real heist would have been expensive; instead, they opted for prop money.) These blank-filled props became part of the set design in “Money Heist.”

In the entertainment industry, including movies and series, prop money is crucial to production, as many production companies rely on it.

Music Industry

In addition to the film industry, music artists also use props. They can, however, use real money for productions where money won’t be destroyed. When an artist is able to afford real money to show a music video with a reasonable budget, he or she can show the video.

The Fashion Industry

It is not uncommon for outfits and photoshoots to include replica money in the fashion sector. Although fake currency is not widely used in fashion, some instances may need models to verify their authenticity. They might use props in such a case.


Fake currency can be used to teach children banknote types and their values in an educational setting. It can also be called play money. Additionally, some games, including “The Allowance Game”, may also require prop cash.

Prop Money: How To Choose The Right Company

The company you choose should be able to provide Prop Money for all of the applications above. What are your options for picking a company that can offer you a great deal without infringing on your rights? Here are some critical factors to consider:

Having A Reasonable Budget

A movie production company can expect to spend over $65 million on a highly rated film to create an excellent film. Approximately $2 million may be needed to produce a low-budget film. Music videos cost an artist at least $10,000 for a low-budget one and as much as $20,000 for a high-budget one.


When making their music videos, established musicians are likely to spend a lot of money buying replicas. Therefore, if you are looking to buy replica money, pick a company with reasonable offers. You see banknotes in lots of music videos and movies, but they only make up a small portion of the budget.

The Quality Of The Prop Money

When purchasing props for a production, make sure they look realistic to your intended audience. Material and production processes of high quality are essential for achieving this. When buying, you should look for the following:

  • Prop money should feel thin and soft
  • In order to comply with legal regulations, its colors must match those of real money
  • A realistic replica of a bill
  • “Not for Legal Tender” labels should be invisible to viewers
  • You need to use replica money that matches the current notes. Make sure your provider is keeping up with the changes in real currency after a few years.

Requirements Under The Law

As counterfeit currency advances, the Secret Service is becoming more vigilant. For this reason, you should ensure the prop money you purchase is in accordance with the legal requirements to ensure your production does not get into trouble with law enforcement. Some characteristics that may help you include:

  • A counterfeit note should be clearly labeled as «Replica Money» or «Not for Legal Tender».
  • Holograms should not match real notes
  • Compared to the real notes, prop notes need to be a little smaller
  • Colors cannot match real bills
  • It shouldn’t be the same as real money

Customer Service

Any company should satisfy its customers, regardless of the service they provide. Prop money firms, for example, should:

  • Whenever necessary, be available to discuss and transact
  • Your production will benefit most from reliable services
  • Make sure you have an easy-to-use website that allows you to make purchases quickly and easily

Can Prop Money Be Used Legally?

It would be best if you used props for advertising and promotion. It is illegal to use replica money for anything other than the outlined applications mentioned earlier. Some people disregard the rules despite understanding them. 

Authenticity is ensured in movies by replica money used by entertainment companies. This is why they require it in the same format as the actual notes. It is nevertheless illegal to use this currency to buy goods from unsuspecting vendors.

A replica bill may look just like the real thing, so when you recognize the printed words, you can tell if it is fake. With the wrong eye, it can be nearly impossible to see the imprints.

People may take advantage of this to purchase from vendors who are unaware of the note’s authenticity. These notes can impact the local economy in many ways if they make their way to the public. When users do not abide by the law, counterfeit money has the potential to cause economic damage.

You may face jail time if you are caught using replica money for purchases. Fraudulent money is a criminal offense when used to purchase goods or obtain services. 

For your own safety, you should only purchase prop money if you intend to use it for marketing, promotion, advertising, and media creation. Any other use would be a criminal act. The consequences of using counterfeit money can range from a 20-year jail term to a fine of $100,000, depending on the circumstances of your case.

It is the precise intent of replica money to create the illusion of authenticity in movies, despite the legal implications that replica money may have. Moreover, the use of prop money can be done without triggering the ire of law enforcement when you follow the required procedures.

Where Can You Buy Legal Replica Money?

It shouldn’t be difficult to purchase prop money for the right purposes as it becomes more popular. The provider of the services will follow the necessary legal requirements in creating and distributing your product, so you won’t need to worry about possible legal issues.

Prop Movie Money, for instance, offers legal prop money services. In addition to “Fast & Furious 9”, “Army of the Dead”, “Breaking Bad”, and “Narcos”, it has provided props for many other films. Props for the proper purpose can be purchased from reputable companies like this, whether you are an individual or a business.

Who Monitors The Prop Money Industry?

Whenever the company prints prop notes, it must print its unique serial number on each note. In this way, the origins of replica money can be traced if they get to the local economy. To determine whether counterfeit money was made with illegal or malicious intentions, the Secret Service must find the manufacturer and assess whether his intent was illegal.The Secret Service can fine you and your entire money stock can be destroyed if you create the replica money without complying with the legal requirements.

Are Purchases From Third Parties Allowed?

Avoid possible legal repercussions by purchasing your replica money from a reliable company. There is a good chance you’ll get offers from different online sources, including eBay and Amazon, when searching for replica money. As long as it is genuine, however, you need to ensure the source because doing otherwise could mean you are gambling with your legal rights.

According to the Secret Service, prop money is the most common replica money in the local economy. Because some sellers are trying to make more money, they might compromise legal requirements.

Transactions with third parties may make you more likely to get in trouble because you have to deal with the penalties if you get caught. A third-party seller could be genuine, but it might be difficult to track him down.  

Are You Aware Of Counterfeit Money? What Do You Do?

The steps needed for solving the issue must be taken if someone pays you with replica money for your offers as payment. You must first be careful not to take this cash without knowledge. If you are offered counterfeit money, here are some steps to take:

  • Take note of the individual based on his/her description
  • Avoid contacting the counterfeit note by putting it in an envelope
  • Find out where the owner is
  • Keep the bill and don’t return it
  • You can take the replica note to a Secret Service agent or the police

Whenever you are facing such a situation, do not expose yourself to danger. When confronting the owner of the fake note, you shouldn’t force them to stay around. If someone gives you counterfeit money, there isn’t much you can do. The steps outlined above may help, however.

The Difference Between Counterfeit Money And Prop Money

The main difference between counterfeit and prop money is how they are used. In the case of replica money, you’re turning it into counterfeit money if you use it to buy goods and services. When someone uses duplicated money in a deceptive or malicious way, it becomes counterfeit.

You will not break any laws if you purchase prop money from reputable companies and use it properly. You can use it with confidence knowing you’re transacting with a reputable business.


Musicians and film production companies can benefit from prop money. If you follow the set legal requirements, it isn’t illegal. For those considering buying replica money, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable retailer. Prop Money is there for fake purposes and never to be used as real tender. As long as you follow the legal requirements and never allow anyone else to use it for other purposes, you will be safe.