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Where To Store Data from Conversion APIs

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Businesses are unable to access the data they once used to create tailored ads to consumers. Consumer privacy restrictions have added some barriers for ad networks to get the information they need. Before, the most common way to send data to ad platforms was to use web pixels. Web pixels were easy to leverage. By simply embedding a piece of code on top of your front-end codebase, you have access to third-party data. Some examples of this data include add payment info, add to cart, find location, and donate. Ad platforms would collect this data and match it to users for tailored advertisements. The problem now is that major browsers are blocking third-party cookies and adopting ad blockers. The result is that client-side tracking isn’t as effective as it used to be. Major advertising platforms are forced to come up with a solution that provides the necessary data for advertisements. The solution is the use of conversion APIs and server-side tracking.

Conversion APIs

Similar to a web pixel, conversion API is a method of conversion tracking. The major difference is that when you use conversion APIs, all your data is shared server-side instead of client-side. With web pixels, conversions were limited to website interactions captured only through the pixel. Conversion APIs can receive data from online and offline conversions and events. When using server-side conversion tracking, you aren’t limited to ad blockers and privacy restrictions like you are when using web pixels. You also have more control over how you use your data. On some platforms, you can choose the user activity and user behavior you would like to share to create even more targeted ads towards consumers. Instead of receiving data through a third-party, you own and manage your own data when using server-side conversion tracking.

Where is the data Stored?

Some places have shied away from using conversion APIs. This is because of the complex engineering, development costs, and the time necessary to leverage them. However, technology has been created to simplify the process and make server-side tracking with APIs much more accessible. Companies are trying to collect more than just website interactions. Event tracking is happening in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms, engagement events in marketing, and purchasing events within eCommerce. It’s likely your data team is already collecting much of this data into your data warehouse. With these conversion events already being stored, there is much less that needs to happen on the developmental end. This is why it’s recommended to make your data warehouse as the source of conversion data. The problem isn’t for businesses storing data in their data warehouse, but making the data accessible to the business teams. Data often gets trapped in data silos and never used to make actionable decisions. When you use Reverse ETL, you can send conversion events to any destinations you would like. These destinations are often business applications your marketing and sales teams are using daily to grow the business.

Potential with owning your Data

When owning your own data, the possibilities are unmatched. You aren’t limited by privacy restrictions on web browsers, and you aren’t relying on a third-party to provide you with data. You will be able to equip your business team with the essential data they need to reach consumers. Getting data from the data warehouse using Reverse ETL will allow your business to adopt the process of data enrichment. This is where existing data is enhanced by providing missing data. Your marketing and sales teams don’t have to make impactful decisions based on dashboards and general overviews. They can have access to data enrichment types such as behavioral data, demographic data, and geographic data. This gives them individual descriptions of customers so they can create personal relationships and experiences with consumers. They can recommend products to customers, resolve issues with customers, and provide necessary information that would be beneficial for customers. 

Make the most of Data

Before, web pixels were the most common way to collect data online. The data came from a third-party using a client-side server. Today, privacy restrictions and ad blockers on major web browsers have made it difficult to do conversion tracking using web pixels. Now, major ad platforms are transitioning to conversion APIs. Using server-side tracking, you own and manage your own data. That data is then stored in your data warehouse. This method allows businesses to track web interactions as well as offline conversions and events without being limited by privacy restrictions on web browsers. Although this process used to be more difficult to adopt, technology has been created to make this process much more accessible to businesses. By storing conversion events in your data warehouse, you can then use Reverse ETL to send that data to the business applications your sales and marketing teams use. With this kind of access to data, business teams can make actionable decisions and create better customer experiences for consumers.