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Why Internal Linking Is Important When it Comes to SEO

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In the search engine optimization field the content is considered as the king of the whole process. If you are providing the unique content on your website then you are done with almost 60% of the SEO part. The SEO expert knows very well how to create the quality content, and how quality content forces the visitor to stick on your website. But in this fast world where every day hundreds of websites are launching unique content is not enough. Internal linking is also important in making your website more optimized and gaining more traffic.

If you have just started your website then internal linking is more important. According to Paul Gordon, the famous SEO expert, internal linking establishes the connection between the contents in the website. Internal linking you can say to link the one page to another page of the same domain website. Not only pages you can link the blog post, category or anything that has the same domain link. It is the advanced terminology to make your content more optimized and help in advance the content marketing. Of course it increases the visibility of the web pages in the search engine.

In this article we will see the major reasons why internal linking is important.

1. Link Juice Transfer

The internal linking helps in transferring the link juice or power. Suppose you have page A and it is ranking well in the search engine, and you are going to add one more article to your website. So when you publish a new article on your website then link that new article to page A. This is page A that is ranking good and has authority to transfer the power to the new published article. This is how that new page will also rank in the search engine at a good pace.

2. Helps in Fast Crawling and Indexing

The internal linking plays a very vital role in the indexing and crawling of the web pages. With the help of this technique you can crawl and index your new pages quickly. For example you have a page that is indexed and showing in the search results. You are going to publish one more content and you want that to index quickly. So inter link that new content to the already indexed page. When the crawler comes to the indexed page again and finds the link of the new article it will definitely crawl and index the new one.

3. Improves Ranking in Search Engine

When you do internal linking then pages share the power with each other. As I mentioned above if you link the low authority page to the high authority and well ranked page then juice will be transferred. In the result the low authority page will start gaining some ranking in the search engine quickly. This is how internal linking helps in improving the ranking of the website in the search engine.