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Why is Bitcoin the King of Crypto?

The name Bitcoin is almost synonymous with the whole of the crypto market. When it’s about “crypto” it is about Bitcoin! We can even find a “Bitcoin ATM near me” without much of a hassle. Such is the claim to fame! So what makes this currency type so very famous? What could be the more important reasons behind its popularity? Should one invest in Bitcoins alone? These are some of the more common questions that may be lurking in your mind! We take a look at some of the answers here. 

What Makes Bitcoin a Winner?

  1. It enjoys a Phenomenal User Base: If recent reports are to be believed, there are more than 10 million wallets linked to Bitcoin, across different countries in the world. When you have such a humungous user base investing in a currency, utilizing its gains through multiple transactions, the value of the currency is bound to soar! The user base volume is a huge pointer to the currency’s credibility and it has managed to attract investors consistently over the years. With every investor craving for a chunk of the pie, demand has soared. 
  2. Bitcoin Finds Favor with Merchants across the Globe: Mainstream adoption of Bitcoins is just around the corner with giants like Mcdonald’s and Amazon hinting towards Bitcoin acceptance. As more and more vendors show acceptability for the currency, the value of the coin is likely to soar. Being accepted far and wide, Bitcoin demands are slated to increase furthermore. Consumers have also warmed up to the currency owing to the peace of mind factor that comes with digital currency transactions. 
  3. Bitcoin Enjoys the FirstMover Authority in the Market: It was after all the very first digital coin to get introduced in the market not only in terms of currency but also with respect to the infrastructure that allows the coin to be so very beneficial. As a result, Bitcoin was indeed bestowed with a great deal of media attention. Anyone who wanted to join the crypto movement latched on to Bitcoin. New users kept entering the Blockchain with a strong attraction toward this currency. 
  4. Bitcoin is Responsible for Inventing the Blockchain: Blockchain, as a concept was created for none other than bitcoin. And this trustworthy infrastructure has in fact managed to keep millions of holdings secure, delivering on promises for many years. Although cases of decreased securities and server compromises have been around, they have been mostly related to the compromise of centralized servers and third-party platforms. 

Although Ethereum is following heels and is a very close second, Bitcoin is the undisputed winner for sure! You need to begin by learning how to buy online and coming to terms with the various means by which they can be mined. You also need to master a few tricks to capture the volatility of the markets and use it to your favor. Security is another point of contention. Bitcoin wallets are exposed to sophisticated hacking attacks. When you head to a Bitcoin ATM in Florida for securing BTCs, make sure you keep it safely protected, away from prying eyes.