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Why Is There A Waiting Period Before Watching A Netflix Show?

© by Netflix

When it comes to enjoying high-grade TV and movie streaming, Netflix is a modern giant and one that continues to grow with over 200 million subscribers. This shows how legitimate it is and it is an option you are going to want to have access to at all times.

While all of this is true, you will also want to make sure you are aware of how the system works and what is required to ensure it does not buffer too much. This buffering does happen and it is important to prep the system to avoid such a phase in your viewing experience. In some cases, it might be your Internet connection but it is always important to go through a troubleshooting process to figure out what is going on with Netflix.

Here are a few helpful tips that will help fix this problem on Netflix.

Look At The Fundamentals 

You will want to begin with the basics, which include reading through the support page on Netflix. The one thing they mention has to do with continual buffering as it can often come down to the settings.

Let’s assume you have a private Internet connection. This might be the root cause of the issue. If the connection is not strong, this will cause buffering from time to time. You should take the time to look at the router along with where you are located about the device.

It is also important to think about bandwidth throttling because you are overusing the Internet connection. This can happen when there are multiple devices in the same household using the connection. Netflix uses 3 megabits per second and it can also go up to 13 Mbps depending on the quality of the content. This is why running a free Internet speed test is recommended to get a look at the speeds you are receiving on the device. If the connection is good, you should look to restart the device to see if that helps. Also, take the time to turn off any other programs that are running on the device at the same time. You don’t want the resources to get distributed when the connection is already unstable. Here’s a good guide on broadband speeds explained

It is also important to avoid downloading programs and/or content when you are looking to watch Netflix. This can create a buffering issue because the computer’s resources get split. It is important to think about resetting the home network when this happens. You can also have the device connected to the modern using a cable if that is going to help maintain a buffer-free solution. 

Reduce The Video Quality

If you are dealing with buffering, it might come down to how much bandwidth you are using. You are going to have to reduce the quality of the stream to get it to work. This means no more HD content and looking at SD content instead. This can help reduce or eliminate the buffering while also ensuring you can watch on your device. 

For most people, this is what matters the most and it is the one thing you are going to have to think about when it comes to streaming Netflix. 

Playing around with the stream qualities can help pinpoint which type of quality is working and which one is not. You will want to go through the settings to see how each one looks and the amount of bandwidth it is using.

In a lot of cases, you are going to want to look at staying closer to 3 Mbps for good results. This is going to help you maintain low quality and not have to deal with buffering. As you go up, it will improve the quality but you will also notice increased buffering. 

Fix The Streaming Options

It is important to look at the app and see if that is a concern. This includes playing around with the streaming options. This can help with the buffer rate as you are going to help regulate the download speed. You can do this by pressing Shift+Alt+Left Click on a computer. For other devices, you will have to go through the settings to see if this helps. You can even access the diagnostics menu on consoles to see if the buffering rate can be improved. You can bring the buffering rate down to 750 while still getting good results. As soon as you do this, the loading is going to increase but it will not buffer as much. This is useful for those who are dealing with a lot of buffering.

When nothing else is working, it is best to go through customer support to see what your options are.