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Why People Boost Their Accounts in LoL

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Competitive video gaming is becoming increasingly popular, emerging as the largest sector in the entertainment industry. League of Legends (LoL), a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game, is one of the video games that continues to attract people. A free-to-play model is the most significant feature that motivates gamers.

Unranked Smurfs

Unranked Smurfs is the most secure and reliable provider of ranked lol accounts. Most people buy high-ranked LoL accounts but some consider purchasing a low-level account. An unranked account will allow you to play for fun without the pressure of winning.

Purchasing a ranked LoL account at unranked Smurfs has many benefits. It is the only site and seller that provides a lifetime guarantee and excellent support for all lol accounts. If anything happens, the Unranked Smurf warranty covers the owner.

Buying a ranked account at an unranked Smurfs site is convenient. You get the account immediately and the site provides full recovery details. Your ranked LoL account will be leveled by real players meaning that the banning rate will be minimal.

Benefits of Boosting

Boosting has become a common practice in the LoL to help gamers win and beat their opponents. It involves giving a professional player access to your account to improve your ranking. Lower-skilled players allow professional gamers to sign into their accounts and play the matches on their behalf to increase the account rating for monetary gain. Gamers want to get to the top of the ranks because this level provides them with an opportunity to have fun with experienced gamers. Boosting improve account ranking to a higher level. Once the account reaches a particular league, the boost is complete, such as diamond and platinum.

People choose to boost their accounts instead of playing the games themselves due to their benefits. The following are some of the advantages boosting LoL account.

  • Saves time

Improving lol account ranking is not an easy task. It requires a high level of skills and investment in time. Unexperienced gamer may take time to maximize ranking and explore the high-end options. For instance, moving from Bronze to Gold can take you months, while a booster needs only a few days. Some people do not have sufficient time to play to maximize their rank.

Gamers are determined to finish in a higher division, and boosting can help them achieve it. Boosting the League of Legends account assist gamers enhance their level faster than average players without playing the game themselves. Boosting is an affordable and fast way to boost the LoL account with the help of experienced gamers. It helps players rank up and achieve high levels while winning matches without investing time. A booster is highly experienced at the game and thus plays well at a high level increases the chances of winning.

A gamer does not need to spend much time playing games to reach a high ranking. Therefore, a player can focus on another part of life while achieving their game goals. Boosting ensure that you do not play the game yourself but instead focus on other things as your lol rank climb with the help of a professional player.

  • Winning Rewards

Apart from saving time, boosting helps gamers earn some money. Players in the League of Legends are ranked based on performance and results-based metrics. The rewards associated with high ranking and perceived social status of these ranks are significant motivators for boosting. Boosting is a means of generating money for a player who is not at the top level. Playing with professional players can help you advance to high levels and earn massive rewards. Gamers generate decent incomes by boosting lol accounts. You cannot compare the money gamers pay boosters with the cash they retain.

LoL boosting will quickly help you be in the diamond league by the end of the season. You get more rewards as you move up the rank. A new summoner icon is a reward for bronze players, while diamond players receive a profile banner trim, invite flair, loading screen border, summoner icon, and victorious champion skin.

  • Secure account

Boosting a lol account is a secure way of enjoying a high-level gaming experience. Boosters use VPNs to enhance privacy. Your personal information remains secure, and thus the third party cannot access sensitive details to perform unethical activities. Boosting does not expose your details, and thus a third party cannot access your league of legend without your authorization. Boosting provides a chance to improve the LoL account while preventing privacy threats. It is a safe service for gamers who want to advance their accounts as long as they choose a reputable booster. Gamers should ensure that they choose boosters with an excellent track record of helping people maximize their rank.

  • Reliable

LoL boosting has been shown to be very reliable. Although getting the right boosting services takes more time and effort, the results are impressive. Choosing the right company that prioritizes trust over profits and provides you with expected results is critical.

  • Earns you respect

In a competitive game, skills and ranks matter a lot. More players will respect you by having a highly ranked account on the field, and your peers will envy you. Many people will be looking at you and admiring the high position you have achieved over a short period. The boosting trick will enable you to play the game with friends after only being in the game for a short while. League of Legends boosting is a great way to impress family, friends, and other players and saves you the humiliation of being at the bottom.

Is boosting dangerous?

Cases of accounts being stolen, hacked, or banned raise concerns to most people who consider boosting their LoL accounts. After months or years of hard work, a case of your account being hacked or stolen can be very frustrating. It is vital to buy your boosting from a trusted and reputable booster to ensure that your LoL account does not get banned, hacked, or stolen while boosting.

Trustworthy companies use various methods to ensure your account details are stored safely, ensuring that the booster does not see your details. Also, good boosters will use a unique IP address while working on your LoL account, thus avoiding the risk of linking many accounts to IP address. When these safety measures are followed, the risk of your LoL account being hacked or banned is extremely low.

Can I get banned for Boosting?

Yes, you can get banned for boosting, according to Riot. Usually, near the end of every season, a massive ban is seen punishing those who bought boosts to rise the ranks. Using the aid of an AI, they can find accounts that have raised the ranks very fast according to their algorithms. However, the odds of having your account banned are very low if you got your boost from a trusted and reputable booster. The ban rate for boosting is less than 0.2%, and the bans are too obvious.

Cost of boosting

Boosting prices vary significantly depending on various factors, the major one being the desired division you want to be boosted. To go to a higher division, you will require a more skilled booster who, in turn, will charge you more than when you want to boost your account to an average level. The amount you pay is directly proportional to the increase in the division that you will obtain.

Boosting LoL accounts range from ten dollars to thousands of dollars, with most boosts costing tens of dollars.