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Why Should We Choose PDF File Format as the Main? 

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Today it is very important to be efficient enough, especially if we want to discuss various jobs and occupations. Of course, nowadays we may see a lot of different file formats and also more document types and office software to proceed with good quality and speed. I like the major part of market solutions for people, who have to work in an office every day. Day by day time is running forward and people proceed tons of documents as a regular daily duty. I think that we spend too much time on changing, sharing, and maintaining documents anytime. Time should be saved because time management is the most important skill for all people. If you are always looking for a job and actually do not have success in it just try to think about time management improvements in your life. 

I would like to tell you about my personal idea for saving enough time for being efficient at work. 


First of all, I decided to choose the united document format for all needs, which will be suitable for people from both sides. It should be accepted by my employer also. So, I took the best possible variant – PDF. PDF is Portable Document Format. Word portable include all features, that were mentioned above. Now I could save as much time as I want because this file format allows me to paste both graphical and written materials in one document.  I really like it! Why? I started to send better reports to my recipients. Correspondence also became much better with PDF files. Now I do not have to paste text, pictures, or reports separately in the email. It is smart for email management, but I also want to say that, it is really good for generic file management.

Firstly, it is accessible from any place with various online pdf services such as, Smallpdf, pdf2go, etc. You could open it everywhere without any difficulties. Get the internet connection, take your PC, laptop or smartphone and visit one of these sites to start working with PDF files.  You will be surprised with the speed of these services because the major part of them are using cloud servers and storage technology. You will receive the proceeded file after few seconds and it is cool!  Take a look at the tools! There are classical tools to convert pdf files, to provide OCR, to merge and split your file, to compress PDF, to remove some pages or extract them. Moreover, you could also rotate them, organize and edit all metadata of your PDF file!

In addition, take a look at PDF tools under construction. You have an opportunity to see how PDF industry IT development is going to the top. I think that in the near future we will get the best solution for all occupations connected with document exchanging. Many people take it as the main just like me and I agree with somebody, who talks about messing with file formats if they have too many documents in different formats on their working PCs.