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Why Should You Utilize YouTube Channels For Your Business?

As a society, we are constantly striving to connect with one another and share our lives with others. This trend has been sparked by advancements in technology which has facilitated the creation of various platforms which can also be used by businesses as part of their marketing strategy. YouTube as a video streaming platform has been particularly popular as it has consistently been growing over the past few years. In fact, it has over 2 billion monthly active users, as compared to about 2.7 billion monthly active users on Facebook, and over 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram. As it is one of the most used platforms on a global scale, it is worth exploring how businesses wield YouTube channels for their own advantage and if this has any impact for them.

Firstly, YouTube has come a long way since its humble origins as a failed video-dating website a number of years ago. It is an American online video sharing and social media platform headquartered in San Bruno, California and since it was launched in 2005 it has grown into an impressive platform which hosts and shares billions. It has been a valuable tool also for companies who can utilise YouTube as a marketing tool in order to expand their influence and spread the word about their services. Although it is a successful social media platform which allows audiences to get a glimpse into the personal lives of influencers and people of interest, businesses can build their brand awareness by reaching out to billions of potential customers. People are more likely to direct their custom towards brands that are authentic and who connect with them, therefore making YouTube videos explaining your business can help reassure them that you want to understand them.

Furthermore, as marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users, businesses can even make more money by using it. YouTube videos can also be reused on other platforms to reach an even wider demographic with many of these sites also allowing you to display ads. This is also great for those who work for your company as they wont be required to take time from their busy schedules to shoot several videos on the same topic. 

On YouTube channels, users can also watch videos for education purposes and for variety of different purposes and hobbies from learning about poker, how each player adopts strategies within certain scenarios to maximize their winning position against an opponent. If your business wants to make an impact, it could even draw customers in and build trust with them by making tutorial or how to videos. You can create high-quality videos teaching your audience how to achieve a specific goal as a way to showcase your business, product, or expertise, as well as market your brand online through this popular social media platform.

Moreover, you do not have to limit the influence of your business and instead you can connect with influencers in your industry and get them to promote your brand through their YouTube channel. This means getting people of interest who have a large following to talk about your business which can subsequently increase customer interest. In addition, one of the most powerful benefits of using YouTube for your business is that it can have enormous impact on customer engagement. This is because these types of videos gives watchers the opportunity to respond and interact with you via the comments and in many cases they are able to share the video to other platforms. Responding to the comments on these videos can boost your video engagements traffic and draw in even more customers. Customer engagement in many cases is directly correlated to the success of a business as there is more competition in todays society which is why you need to stand out among other companies by appealing to your audience.


Indeed, those businesses who consider promoting their brand through YouTube have had much more success than others who dont. This is largely because videos have higher conversion rates than text with some research suggesting that video content is 12 times likelier to be watched than text is to be read. This means that potential customers will be able to take in information much faster and they can also feel a higher range of emotions when viewing videos as your videos will be effective in showcasing the personality of your brand. YouTube Live is also a great option for streaming where business can interact with their audience instantly and offer fast solutions to any queries or problems they may have. Not only is it a more hands on experience but it is great for forging a connection with your audience. 

If you are thinking about using YouTube channels for your business, it is important to firstly understand how the platform operates so you can use it for your benefit. Filling out your business info on your YouTube channel page with details about your services and contact information will help those visiting your page to quickly get access to your business page. Whilst it is a good idea not to saturated your YouTube channel with information about your business, your customers are still yearning to humanise your company and want to know that what you are offering is unique. Dont forget also to include details of your email address so that people can get in touch. 

In conclusion, as there are more businesses than ever seeking to satisfy customer needs and meet their expectations the competition levels are high. With businesses striving to find new ways of marketing and expanding their influence, many are turning to YouTube to do so. By boosting customer engagements through interactivity, likes, subscriptions and comments as well as choosing to lifestream and encourage sharing of your videos, potential customers are able to humanise your business and direct their custom towards it. For those who are using YouTube to aid their business remember also to include some information and contact details so these customers can reach out to you and avail of your services.