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Why You Should Target Existing Clients First With Your Promotions

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Promotions are an essential aspect of any business’s marketing strategy, as they are designed to encourage potential customers to try out the company’s products or services. Promotions come in various forms, such as discounts, free trials, loyalty programs, and exclusive offers. For businesses, promotions can help increase sales, generate leads, and build brand awareness. However, not all promotions are created equal, and targeting the right audience is crucial for the success of a promotional campaign.

Online casinos are an excellent example of businesses that rely heavily on promotions to attract and retain customers. With so many online casinos to choose from, promotions are an effective way for casinos to differentiate themselves from their competitors and entice players to sign up and keep playing. Online casinos use a variety of promotions, such as welcome bonuses, free spins, cashback offers, and VIP programs, to attract and retain players. These promotions help online casinos build customer loyalty and drive revenue growth. However, targeting the right audience with these promotions is essential, and focusing on existing clients first can be a more effective strategy.

Importance of customer retention

Customer retention refers to the ability of a business to keep its existing customers over an extended period. Customer retention is crucial for businesses because it leads to higher revenue, increased profitability, and more stable cash flow. Moreover, retaining existing customers is less expensive than acquiring new ones. For example Hari Ravichandran spent 8k on advertising before getting his first client for his company EIG. A study by Bain & Company found that increasing customer retention rates by just 5% could increase profits by 25% to 95%. Furthermore, the cost of acquiring a new customer can be up to five times higher than retaining an existing one. Thus, retaining customers is a more cost-effective strategy than constantly trying to acquire new ones.

Online casinos, like any other business, understand the importance of customer retention. With so many online casinos to choose from, players have a plethora of options available to them. Thus, online casinos must develop effective customer retention strategies to keep their existing players engaged and happy. Online casinos use a variety of tactics to retain their customers, such as personalized promotions, loyalty programs, and exceptional customer service. For example, some online casinos offer VIP programs that provide players with exclusive bonuses, faster withdrawal times, and dedicated account managers. These programs incentivize players to stay loyal to the casino and continue playing.

In summary, customer retention is crucial for businesses because it leads to higher revenue, increased profitability, and stable cash flow. Moreover, retaining existing customers is less expensive than acquiring new ones. Online casinos use various customer retention strategies to keep their players engaged and loyal, such as VIP programs and personalized promotions.

Advantages of targeting existing clients with promotions

When it comes to promotions, targeting existing clients has several advantages over focusing solely on acquiring new ones. Some of the benefits of targeting existing clients with promotions include:

Higher likelihood of response: Existing customers are more likely to respond to promotions because they have already established a relationship with the business. They know what to expect from the company and are more likely to engage with promotions that appeal to their interests. For example, online casinos may offer existing players personalized promotions based on their gaming history, making the promotion more appealing to the player.

Increased loyalty and trust: Offering promotions to existing customers can help build loyalty and trust. Customers who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to remain loyal to the business and recommend it to others. For example, online casinos that offer regular promotions to their existing players show that they value their customers and are committed to their satisfaction.

Positive impact on customer lifetime value: Targeting existing customers with promotions can increase their lifetime value to the business. By offering promotions that encourage repeat purchases or usage, businesses can increase the revenue generated by each customer over time. For example, online casinos may offer exclusive bonuses or free spins to existing players who have been with the casino for a certain period, incentivizing them to continue playing and generating revenue for the casino.

Cost-effectiveness of targeting existing clients: As mentioned earlier, acquiring new customers is more expensive than retaining existing ones. Therefore, targeting existing clients with promotions can be a cost-effective way to generate additional revenue. For example, online casinos may offer exclusive promotions to existing players to encourage them to continue playing, rather than spending money on expensive advertising campaigns to attract new players.

In conclusion, targeting existing clients with promotions can provide several advantages, including a higher likelihood of response, increased loyalty and trust, a positive impact on customer lifetime value, and cost-effectiveness. If you’re interested in seeing examples of online casinos that use promotions effectively, click this link to see these casinos in action.

Another advantage of targeting existing clients with promotions is the potential for increased word-of-mouth marketing. Existing customers who are happy with the business and its promotions are more likely to recommend the company to their friends and family. Word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses attract new customers at a lower cost than traditional advertising methods. For example, if an online casino offers personalized promotions and exceptional customer service to its existing players, those players are more likely to recommend the casino to their friends, family, or online communities. Thus, targeting existing clients with promotions can have a ripple effect that helps the business attract new customers and grow its customer base.

Potential drawbacks of focusing solely on new customers

While acquiring new customers is essential for the growth and success of any business, focusing solely on new customer acquisition can have some drawbacks. Some of the potential drawbacks of focusing solely on new customers include:

Higher cost of acquisition: Acquiring new customers can be costly, especially if the business is targeting a highly competitive market. Businesses must invest in marketing campaigns, advertising, and promotions to attract new customers, which can be expensive. For example, online casinos may spend significant amounts of money on advertising campaigns to attract new players, which can increase their customer acquisition costs.

Less likelihood of response: New customers may be less likely to respond to promotions than existing customers because they do not have an established relationship with the business. They may be hesitant to try out new products or services and may require more convincing before they make a purchase. For example, new players at online casinos may be less likely to engage with welcome bonuses or free spins promotions because they are not familiar with the casino and may not trust it yet.

Lack of customer loyalty and trust: Focusing solely on new customer acquisition can result in a lack of customer loyalty and trust. New customers may be more likely to switch to a competitor if they are not satisfied with their initial experience with the business. For example, if new players at online casinos do not have a positive experience with the casino, they may switch to another casino offering better promotions.

In summary, while acquiring new customers is essential for the growth and success of any business, focusing solely on new customer acquisition can be costly and less effective than retaining existing customers. New customers may be less likely to respond to promotions and may not have the same level of loyalty and trust as existing customers. Therefore, it is important for businesses to balance their customer acquisition and retention strategies to achieve optimal results.


In conclusion, targeting existing clients with promotions should be a priority for any business, particularly online casinos. Existing clients are more likely to respond to promotions, are more loyal and trusting, and have a positive impact on customer lifetime value. Focusing solely on new customer acquisition can be costly, less effective, and result in a lack of customer loyalty and trust.

Therefore, businesses, particularly online casinos, should prioritize customer retention in their marketing strategies. By offering personalized promotions, loyalty programs, and exceptional customer service, businesses can retain their existing customers and increase their lifetime value. Additionally, businesses can achieve cost-effectiveness by targeting existing clients rather than constantly trying to acquire new ones.


In conclusion, businesses should strive to find the right balance between customer acquisition and retention to achieve optimal results. Therefore, businesses, particularly online casinos, should make customer retention a priority in their marketing strategies to achieve long-term success.