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Wireless vs. In-Ground Dog Fence System: Know Which Is Best For Your Home

If you are the proud owner of an energetic dog, you already know just how much exercise they need every single day. You’re likely always doing something for your four-legged friend, from taking them for walks to letting them out to use the bathroom to playing fetch in the yard. It can be hard to keep up with their exercise needs, no matter how hard you try to set aside the right amount of time. Your dog may also be one that loves to run off. Some dogs have no problem sticking around when their owner calls them while others bolt the second they get the opportunity.

No matter how your dog acts, a fence containment system can be the best idea for your home. You’ve probably seen a home that has little yellow flags lining the perimeter of their yard. Most likely, this is a sign of a dog fence containment system. Today, these systems come two ways- in-ground and wireless. If you’re in the market for a pet containment system, it’s a good idea to know which one is best for your home.

The Shape of Your Yard

When you need to decide between a wireless and an in-ground system, first take a look at the shape of your yard. A wireless fence can only work when you can apply it to a circular-shaped boundary. If your neighbors are close to you or your yard is an odd shape, you may not be able to give your dog the amount of room they need to play. If you want to give your dog as much room as possible, an in-ground fence is your best bet. This type of fence can be customized to fit your yard regardless of the shape.

The Signal of the Fence

One perk of an in-ground fence is the signal you will receive once it is installed. Since it will be connected to a transmitter inside of your home, the signal will likely stay strong no matter what the situation. With a wireless system, you may have to worry about signal strength. The transmitter can and will be affected by the current strength of your Wi-Fi system, so there will be times you’ll get great reception and times that you won’t. If the signal isn’t as strong, the boundary could fluctuate. However, many dog owners are able to take a boundary fluctuation into account if they decide a wireless system is the way to go.

When you use a wireless system, your pup will get a small static shock when the receiver on their collar loses the signal coming from the transmitter. In order to prevent this from happening, you’ll need to make sure there are no obstructions in the way so that your device always has a direct line. Additionally, metal structures often interfere with a wireless signal, so you might have issues if you have a metal shed or other metal structure on your property.

If something else activates your dog’s receiver collar, they may get a shock even if they are within their boundary. This won’t happen with an in-ground system, as the collar will only be activated when they get near the boundary wire. You won’t have a problem with signal interference the same way you might with a wireless one.

When choosing between the two, consider the type of terrain you will be setting the system up in as well as any obstructions that could end up causing interference with the system.

Ongoing Maintenance

Whether you purchase a PetSafe Wireless Fence Containment System or an in-ground model, there will always be some type of maintenance to worry about. However, wireless fences are typically easier to take care of than their in-ground competitors. You’ll only need to make sure your dog’s collar is working well. You may need to change the batteries often or recharge the collar (depending on the model.) You may also have to replace the small metal contact points from time to time.

With an in-ground system, you’ll have to take care of the afore-mentioned problems and more. A common complaint of in-ground containment systems is breaks in the boundary wire. If these happen, your dog can escape through the break. You can purchase a wire break locator separately if you wish, which can help you locate a break in the wire quickly.


Another major perk of wireless fences is the fact they are very easy to install. With no wires to put under the ground, your fence can be up and running within the hour in most cases. The wireless transmitter can be set up wherever you have a power source. This also mean that you can take a wireless fence anywhere you go if you need to. For example, if you are taking your dog camping and will have the use of an electrical outlet, you will be able to quickly set it up at your campground.

Setting up an in-ground system will take some time and planning. You will first need to plan where you will be laying out the wire. Remember, an in-ground system will allow you to work with odd-shaped yards. So if you have a rectangular or square yard, you’ll be able to get the most out of your system by choosing to bury the wire around the entire perimeter.

If you decide to go this route, plan on the installation taking at least one to two days. Many dog owners consider installation as part of a weekend project.

You’ll want to consider the pros and cons of both wireless and in-ground dog containment systems before you purchase one. Whatever you decide, these systems are a great idea for dog owners everywhere. They will give your dog the freedom they need to exercise and play while giving you peace of mind. Most dogs quickly learn their perimeters with minimal trouble and have no problem staying away from the boundary of either type of fence. You won’t have to worry about your dog running off anymore, and you will be able to let them go in and out as they please. To find your perfect pet, visit dog peer.