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Your Own Server vs a Hosting Provider for Your Prestashop Site

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Selecting the right hosting solution for your PrestaShop site is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your online business. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of hosting PrestaShop on your own server versus utilizing hosting providers. Additionally, we’ll explore the intricacies of migrating a PrestaShop site to another server and highlight some of the best hosting providers for this popular e-commerce platform.

Hosting on Your Own Server


  • Complete Control

One of the primary advantages of hosting PrestaShop on your own server is the absolute control it affords. You have the freedom to tailor the server environment to meet your specific needs, including custom configurations, software installations, and performance optimizations.

  • Cost Efficiency

For larger businesses with extensive technical expertise, hosting on your own server can be cost-effective in the long run. There are no recurring hosting fees, and you can allocate resources based on your usage patterns, potentially resulting in cost savings.

  • Scalability

When hosting on your own server, you have the flexibility to scale resources vertically by upgrading hardware components or horizontally by adding more servers. This adaptability allows you to handle increasing traffic and growing demands efficiently.


  • Technical Expertise Required

Managing your own server demands a certain level of technical proficiency. Tasks such as server configuration, security maintenance, and troubleshooting issues become your responsibility, requiring in-depth knowledge of server administration.

  • Infrastructure Costs

While hosting on your own server may save money in the long term, the initial setup costs can be substantial. Purchasing and maintaining the necessary hardware and ensuring a secure environment may require a significant upfront investment.

  • Time-Consuming

Operating your own server involves ongoing maintenance, updates, and monitoring. If you’re a small business owner focused on running your online store, the time commitment required for server management may prove to be a challenge.

Hosting Providers


  • Ease of Use

Hosting providers specialize in delivering user-friendly platforms, making it easy for even non-technical users to set up and manage their PrestaShop sites. This convenience allows you to focus on your business rather than server administration.

  • Professional Support

Hosting providers typically offer 24/7 customer support, providing assistance with any server-related issues. This level of support can be invaluable, especially for businesses without a dedicated IT team.

  • Scalability

Hosting providers often offer scalable solutions, allowing you to adjust resources based on your growing needs. This scalability is especially beneficial for businesses experiencing fluctuating traffic patterns.


  • Limited Control

While hosting providers offer convenience, it comes at the expense of some control. Server configurations and software installations are often predetermined, limiting customization options compared to hosting on your own server.

  • Monthly Costs

Hosting providers operate on a subscription model, meaning you incur monthly hosting fees. While this model can be cost-effective for smaller businesses, long-term expenses may accumulate.

  • Server Resource Sharing

Shared hosting plans, common among hosting providers, mean that server resources are shared among multiple users. During peak times, this shared environment might result in slower performance for your PrestaShop site.

How to Migrate PrestaShop to Another Server

Whether you’re transitioning from a self-hosted solution to a hosting provider or moving to a different hosting service, when you migrate Prestashop to another server, it requires careful planning. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Backup Your Data:

Before initiating any migration, create a comprehensive backup of your PrestaShop site, including files and the database. Then you will have a restore point in case of any issues during the migration. Before working on the next steps, you’d better also ensure that your site is running on PrestaShop latest version. It will decrease a number of potential security issues. 

2. Choose a New Server:

Select the new server or hosting provider where you want to move your PrestaShop site. Ensure that the chosen server meets the technical requirements of PrestaShop and offers the necessary resources for your store.

3. Install PrestaShop on the New Server:

Install a fresh copy of PrestaShop on the new server. This ensures you have the latest version and a clean slate to work with.

4. Transfer Files:

Copy all your PrestaShop files from the old server to the new one. This includes the entire PrestaShop directory, including themes, modules, and any customizations you’ve made.

5. Export and Import the Database:

Export the database from your old server and import it into the new one. Update the database configuration in the PrestaShop settings to point to the new database on the new server.

6. Update Configuration Files:

Check and update configuration files, such as the file, to reflect the new server settings, including database connection details.

7. Test the Migration:

Thoroughly test your PrestaShop site on the new server to ensure everything is functioning as expected. Pay attention to product pages, checkout processes, and any custom functionalities.

8. Update DNS Settings:

If you’re changing your domain or DNS settings, update the necessary records to point to the IP address of your new server. This step ensures that visitors reach the new server when accessing your domain.

9. Monitor Post-Migration:

The last step when you move prestashop to new server, is to keep a close eye on your site after the migration. Monitor for any issues, and address them promptly. This includes verifying that all data, including customer accounts and orders, has successfully migrated.

Best Hosting Providers for PrestaShop


SiteGround is one of the best hosting providers for this platform renowned for its optimized hosting environment for various CMS platforms, including PrestaShop. They offer managed hosting solutions with excellent customer support, automatic updates, and top-notch security features.

A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting provides high-speed hosting services that are well-suited for PrestaShop. With features like Turbo Servers for faster performance and a user-friendly interface, A2 Hosting is a reliable choice for e-commerce hosting.


Bluehost is a popular hosting provider known for its affordability and ease of use. They offer one-click installations for PrestaShop and provide 24/7 customer support, making it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized online stores.

InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting offers solid hosting solutions with a focus on performance and reliability. With features like SSD storage, free domain registration, and excellent support, it caters to businesses seeking a dependable hosting environment for PrestaShop.


The decision to host PrestaShop on your own server or through a hosting provider depends on various factors, including your technical expertise, budget, and scalability requirements. Hosting on your own server provides unparalleled control but demands significant technical knowledge and resources. On the other hand, hosting providers offer convenience, professional support, and scalability but may limit customization options.

When migrating PrestaShop to another server, meticulous planning and testing are crucial to ensuring a smooth transition. The choice of a hosting provider also plays a pivotal role in the performance and success of your PrestaShop site. Consider factors such as server speed, support quality, and pricing before making a decision. Ultimately, the right hosting solution aligns with your business goals, technical capabilities, and the unique needs of your online store.