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Rob Reiner Recalls Desi Arnaz Once Going Ballistic at Him for Improvisation

Promoting the release of his film “Shock and Awe”, the actor/director/producer Rob Reiner was a guest on the Aug. 3, 2018 edition of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”.

A guest star on various 60’s TV comedies like “Gomer Pyle” and “The Beverly Hillbillies”, Reiner told a story about one guest spot that never came to pass because of a behind-the-scenes dispute. During a rehearsal for his guest role on NBC’s “Mothers-in-Law”, Reiner was improvising some of his lines. The show’s producer, Desi Arnaz, took notice and got incensed, cursing out Reiner. He then took the argument outside of the studio, where, according to Reiner, Arnaz pinned him to the wall and repeatedly referred to him as “amigo” while continuing his shouting session at him.