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10 Tips on Keeping Your House Clean

Sometimes, we get lazy with regularly cleaning our house clean. But developing good habits goes a long way for a more organized and cleaner household. Specially now that there’s a pandemic going on and we really don’t know which is our enemy since we can’t really see it physically, when it will end, and how. It’s better if we keep safe beforehand with the virus by staying clean, always. No one wants to come home or stay in a messy, dirty, and dusty house. This is why many people actually hire a Houston house cleaning service, or a cleaning service wherever they are based, so they can be confident that their house is in good shape, even when they don’t have the time themselves. Stay on your seat as we will discuss some tips and tricks you can practice and develop for a more organized, clutter-free home and house cleaning tactics.

No Shoe Rule

Impose a no-shoe rule at home, yes you might say that it’s an Asian thing to do, but taking shoes off before entering the house is common sense in avoiding dirt tracks in your home. It’s a good thing to have a shoe rack or wooden outdoor storage box either at the entrance or at the foyer of your house. If you find it uncomfortable walking around your house barefooted, you can keep separate clean indoor slippers strictly for home-usage. 

If you have guests coming over to your house, you can place a sign or even a doormat at your door that’s politely saying to take off their shoes before coming in your house.  

Dusting Routine

Another important habit of keeping your house clean is by developing a regular dusting routine. With this, you don’t have to delay the schedule of having to clean your house in one day. When you don’t regularly dust your house, you’ll make the dirt worse and it will be more time-consuming to clean. It’s also better to make dusting a habit, so it becomes second nature to you. However, if you just don’t have the time to regularly sweep the floors, robot vacuum cleaners would make things more convenient. You can go to this page to learn more about these gadgets.

Storage Baskets

Storage baskets and trays are your best friends. By placing plastic storage baskets in strategic areas in your house, you can clean up and organize a mess in minutes. Use them to keep remotes, toys, dining essentials, and other miscellaneous items in your home. There are tons of different baskets out there you can purchase, not only it will help you keep your place organize but you can choose decorative storage baskets to spice up your rooms.

Dustbins/Trash Cans

Keep dustbins all around the house to avoid littering. This is especially important if you have children, as they have a tendency to throw wrappers everywhere. By just placing a few extra bins, you can significantly save more time and cleaning efforts. Of course, you have to consider the sizes of it also, largest trash cans usually are in the kitchen or garage since you’ll store a lot of garbage there. And small trash cans are for bathrooms. Trash cans are underrated since it’s for just garbage right? But there are actually stylish and chic trash cans out there that actually look somewhat attractive for your rooms.

Liners in Drawers and Cabinets

Use table mats or drawer liners in all your cabinets to keep them clean and dust-free. This is especially important for your kitchen utensils and kitchenware, as you don’t want them to collect dirt or germs.

Table mats and drawer liners also make your cleaning routine easier and protect the surface from any accidental spillage or leakage. You can also use mats in your fridge to keep them clean and won’t get dirty as frequently.

Organize Paper Clutter

Paper clutter is one of the most annoying things to clean, and most of us struggle to deal with it. So, to avoid a mess, make a proper place to collect all receipts, bills, mail, and paperwork and place them in one spot. Have storage specifically for it.

You can use zipper bags and categorize important papers and label them properly. This not only makes your space tidier, but it also makes it easier to find any important documents you may need at a later time.

Use Coasters

Practice using coasters when placing mugs or cups on dining, coffee, or living room tables. Their dry stains can leave marks that can be difficult to remove, especially on wooden surfaces. Some of us fail to choose effective coasters because we focus more on its cool or minimalistic design. So before you purchase that coaster, make sure it does not just look attractive but it’s also effective and efficient for you.

Clean Spillages Immediately

If you see any spillages or mess anywhere in the house, especially on the dining or living room table, clean them up immediately before they dry up. Dry stains are difficult to clean and you’ll be wasting a lot of time and effort in the long run. If you do get stains on furniture, you probably will need professional upholstery cleaning in Ireland help as it will be very hard to do DIY.

Return Things Back To Designated Places

Make it a habit of returning things where you got them after using them. When you leave things everywhere, no matter how much you clean, it will just start adding clutter. Developing this habit is challenging at first, but once you get used to it, your house will surely always stay organized.

Donate/Declutter what you don’t need.

It’s good to keep things that are necessary. Keeping too many old things or collecting those that are unnecessary aren’t going to help you with keeping your house tidy. You’ll just be occupying more space and collecting dust. It’s best to assess which items have significance and those you really use and get donate or discard the others.


To summarize, having these 10 combined with creating a systematic daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning routine, you’ll never have to worry about a messy, unorganized, and dirty home again. These tips are simple and will surely help you to keep your home tidy. Being minimalistic is the way to go. You don’t need too many things, just the ones that hold significance or the ones that are really useful. Heard of the KonMari method? It’s basically tidying your stuff category-by-category rather than room-by-room. It’s good to have a habit of keeping things where they belong so that they’ll not only be easy to find, but you’ll also be practising organization as second nature. We hope this article helps you in keeping your house clean.