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 15 Cyber Security Facts and Stats That You Need to Know

The world is increasingly becoming a digital place. We rely on technology for everything, from banking and shopping to communicating with friends and family. As our reliance on technology grows, so does the risk of cyber attacks. This blog post will discuss 15 alarming cyber security facts and stats. These statistics should serve as a wake-up call to all of us that cybercrime is a real threat, and we must take steps to protect ourselves.

According to a study by Guardio, more than 50% of Americans have been victims of cybercrime. That’s nearly two-thirds of the population! And the numbers are only increasing. In 2013, there were over 11 million victims of identity theft in the United States alone.

Even more alarming is that these numbers only reflect reported cybercrime cases. The reality is that many people don’t report cybercrime because they either don’t know how or think it will make a difference. Furthermore, many businesses don’t report cyber-attacks because they fear they will damage their reputation or cause them to lose customers.

What is cybercrime?

Cybercrime is any illegal activity that takes place online. This can include anything from hacking and phishing to identity theft and cyberstalking. Cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit technology, which is why staying up-to-date on the latest security threats is important.

The cost of cybercrime is also increasing. In 2017, global cybercrime costs were expected to reach $600 billion. This is up from $445 billion in 2014. These costs include damage to data, productivity losses, and legal expenses.

One of the most common types of cybercrime is phishing. Phishing is when a criminal uses fraudulent emails or websites to trick you into revealing personal information, such as your password or credit card number. They may pose as a legitimate company or individual to gain your trust.

Criminals can also use malware to infect your computer and steal your information. Malware is malicious software that can give criminals access to your files, photos, and financial information.

Another type of cybercrime is cyberbullying. Because they use the Internet to threaten, harass or embarrass another person. It’s especially common among teenagers and young adults.

Cyber security facts and stats

The sad truth is that cybercrime is becoming more and more common, and it will only get worse. With that in mind, here are 15 cyber security facts and stats that everyone should know:

-Cybercrime is the fastest growing crime in the world: Every day, millions of cyber-attacks happen worldwide.

-There are over one billion cyber-attack victims each year: This number is expected to increase to two billion by 2019.

-43% of businesses have experienced a data breach: This number is expected to increase to 50% by 2020.

-The average cost of a data breach is $15 million: This number has increased by nearly 20% in the last year alone.

-Cybercrime will cost the world $21 trillion by 2021: Including the costs of damages and productivity losses.

-60% of small businesses will go out of business within six months of a data breach because they often don’t have the resources to recover from an attack.

-90% of organizations believe they are prepared for a cyber-attack; however, only 38% are ready.

-Nearly half of all adults have had their personal information stolen, including social security numbers and credit card information.

-Identity theft is the most common type of cybercrime: In 2017, there were over 16 million victims of identity theft in the United States.

-Phishing is the most common type of cyber-attack: In 2017, there were over 12 million phishing attacks worldwide.

-The healthcare industry is the most targeted sector: In 2017, 43% of all data breaches were in the healthcare industry.

-Ransomware attacks have increased by over 500% in the last year: In 2017, there were over 4000 ransomware attacks daily.

-The average time to detect a data breach is 170 days: This number has increased by nearly 50% in the last year.

-The average time to resolve a data breach is 34 days: This number has increased by nearly 30% in the last year.

As you can see, cybercrime is a serious problem that is only getting worse. Businesses must ensure they are doing everything they can to protect themselves. This includes partnering with a Managed IT Services provider, investing in cyber security, training employees on best practices, and having a plan in case of an attack.