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3 Best Coffee Documentaries on Netflix: What You Need to Know

© by Netflix

When you think about a cup of coffee, what comes to mind? Is it the smell of dark roast beans or a piping hot latte? What if we told you that there were three coffee documentaries on Netflix that you need to watch. The best way to get a caffeine buzz is with a cup of fresh coffee beans. But did you know that coffee also has its own history and culture? Coffee may be the second most traded commodity in the world today after oil, but it was an important part of their strategy and once an expensive luxury reserved for royalty, said Nunzio from It’s no wonder there are so many documentaries on Netflix about this drink of choice! Here are three great documentaries from Netflix that will give you insight into coffee’s rich history and global importance.

  1. Coffee for All Documentary

An eye-opening documentary that explores the role coffee plays in our lives and within society. Coffee for All is a Netflix original that takes you around the world, exploring how coffee brings people together at all levels of society. Several interviews with farmers and their families depend on selling their crops to make a living; some earn enough money to send their children to school.

This fascinating documentary includes interviews with coffee growers, horticulturalists, and scientists that will answer some of your questions about the history and cultivation of this bean that we love so much. In addition to examining how coffee is grown and processed for our daily cup of joe, Coffee For All also takes a few looks at the impact coffee has had on the culture around the world. From the “Rat Race” to Starbucks, this film will give you a new appreciation for coffee and the rich history that made it such an integral part of our lives.

Coffee For All is an excellent documentary that gives you a solid understanding of all things coffee, including how to get your own home garden started with the plant. This film will help you appreciate where your morning cup of joe comes from, and it also might make you more likely to purchase high-quality beans over cheaper alternatives in the future.

  1. Connected By Coffee

Coffee is a drink that brings people together in many ways. Many of us have had the experience at one point or another of sharing a cup with someone we just met and having our conversation flow so effortlessly. In reality, it’s no wonder why this happens when you consider how deeply embedded coffee is in every part of our culture. Coffee also has played an integral role in fueling business meetings from small-town cafes to large corporations like Starbucks. This film explores all of these topics and more, and it also includes some footage from the Holy Land that will show you where coffee first began.

This documentary explores how coffee connects us all through the unique stories of baristas, farmers, and entrepreneurs alike who owe their success to a simple cup of coffee. Connected By Coffee allows you to see the impact that one beverage can have on your entire life, from caffeine-fueled business meetings to the first sip of coffee in the morning.

Connected By Coffee showcases many aspects of this drink that we love so much, such as its history, social impact, and industry value. However, this documentary is a bit like drinking freshly brewed coffee without any sweeteners added; it’s good but could be more engaging. For those who are really interested in learning about how coffee is connected to everything from globalization to consumer culture, Connected By Coffee may be an ideal choice for you.

  1. Coffee Shops: The World on Film

This documentary focuses on how coffee has changed over time and what it means to be a “third place.” If you’re not familiar with the term “third place,” think of it this way. Many people today spend most of their time at home or at work. Whether or not you consider your job a “second place” is debatable, but there are even fewer places that allow you to take a break from life’s daily routines. This is especially true for those living in larger cities where public parks are few and far between. Third places are designed specifically to offer opportunities for social interaction outside our usual spaces. These are the places that allow the community to engage with one another, creating friendships and relationships that can extend beyond a simple handshake at your local coffee shop.

Coffee Shops: The World on Film tells the story of these third places through several coffee shops around the world. Each location offers its own distinctive flavor, culture, and atmosphere while serving one primary purpose: meeting people. This documentary is an excellent look into what it means to be human while also showcasing how something as seemingly ordinary as a cup of coffee can bring people together in meaningful ways.


So while you’re lounging on the couch this weekend with your kettle on full boil, why not watch one (or more) of these Netflix coffee documentaries? They’ll give you a new perspective on your favorite hot beverage and might even inspire you to switch things up the next time you brew a cup at home. It certainly gives a new meaning to “Netflix and chill,” doesn’t it?