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4 Website Design Tips for Personal Injury Law Firms

© by Personal Injury Law by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

Statistics indicate most people seeking an attorney will search the Internet when first researching their options. Don’t overlook the significance of this if you run a personal injury law firm or a website like Irwin Insolvency Practitioners, which handles financial distress issues. A strong website can play a major role in helping you attract more clients.

If your website isn’t delivering ideal results, you may need to improve its overall design. The following tips will help. Keep them in mind when considering how to maximize the return-on-investment of your personal injury law firm’s website.

Audit Your Navigation

It’s not uncommon for personal injury law firms to consist of many pages. This is partially because the specific types of cases personal injury attorneys handle can be fairly-wide ranging.

Having many pages on your website can negatively impact the user experience if the process of navigating your site is no longer intuitive. Thus, you should set aside time to navigate your site the way you imagine a potential client would, honestly asking yourself if the experience is as easy as it should be. You may also want to solicit the opinions of employees, friends, family, and past clients.

Simplify the design for easier navigation if you find it’s more complicated than it should be. For example, you can use color, white space, and general formatting elements to separate navigation tools from other areas of the homepage, divide categories into subcategories, and ensure your navigation link titles clearly express their function.

Improve CTAs

Your call-to-action links and buttons play an essential role in the strength (or weakness) of your personal injury law firm’s website design. The effectiveness of a CTA may determine whether a potential client decides to schedule a consultation.

An effective CTA is a noticeable CTA. Thus, if your website’s conversion rate is low, study examples of impressive CTAs for website redesign inspiration. For example, you might include animated CTA buttons instead of plain text.

Just remember that a CTA’s design should be brand-appropriate. As an attorney, you want to convey a degree of professionalism. A bright, colorful, flashing CTA button that reads “BUY NOW!!” may work for an eCommerce site, but for a personal injury law firm site, CTAs should strike a balance between catching the attention of users and giving them the sense that your firm is a professional and authoritative operation. This is another instance in which you may want to ask others for their impressions if you’re not sure whether your CTAs are striking that balance.

Design for Mobile

It’s a wise idea to create a separate mobile version of your firm’s website. At the very least, you should ensure your site’s design is optimized for mobile. That means avoiding very large chunks of text and formatting the site so that it’s easy to scan on a small mobile device’s screen. Research shows that mobile browsing is now more common than desktop browsing.

Highlight Benefits

When deciding how to format and design your homepage, prioritize drawing attention to the advantages your law firm offers. For example, if you’ve successfully recovered a relatively large amount of compensation for your clients, choose fonts, font sizes, and colors that will ensure a header that reads “Successfully recovered greater than [X amount of money] for our clients” stands out. You should also make formatting decisions that draw attention to client testimonials and any information regarding your specific qualifications and the types of cases you handle.

Remember, in the digital age, offering strong representation isn’t enough for you to succeed as a personal injury attorney. To truly grow a thriving firm, you also need a strong website. These design tips will help you build one.