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5 Proven WordPress Plugins, For More Free Traffic

Regardless of whether you attract a few hundred, a few thousand or several tens of thousands of visitors to your website every month, there could be more, right?

Of course, the best basis for a continuously growing stream of readers is high-quality content in combination with a solid SEO strategy. If you manage to place your articles and pages on the top Google places, you will attract many visitors to your page regularly.

You can use these visitors as a basis to get even more attention and reach.


You can refer to WordPress SEO professionals or there are some.

1: Better click to tweet

This plugin lets you highlight quotes or other important text snippets and ensures that your readers can tweet them with one click.

After the installation you just have to save your Twitter name in the settings under “Better Click to Tweet” and you’re ready to go!

When editing a page or a post you will now find a blue Twitter icon in the toolbar, provided you are working with the Classic Editor or the Classic Block in the Gutenberg Editor. If you click on the icon, you can enter your text and a Click to Tweet box will be inserted.

That’s it. Alternatively, you can just enter the following short code and insert your quote:

[bctt tweet = “Meaningful quote”]

When you have saved, the Click to Tweet Box will look like this and is immediately in use:

2: Social Sharing Buttons – Social Pug

You can either invest time yourself to expand your reach, or you can let your readers help you.
Every reader of an article and a page brings a potential reach boost.

Sure, so do you place social media icons at the beginning of the article … or better at the end … or both?

The social sharing buttons are always available

In my experience, most “shares” are reached when the sharing icons are available at all times. And through a “floating social bar”.

Makes sense right?

I wouldn’t share an article before reading it. So the buttons are rarely clicked at the beginning. At the end of an article I usually want to comment, so just scroll past the icons. But when I read something exciting in the article, I want to share it with my friends and followers.

Sure, not everyone thinks that way, but you serve absolutely everyone with a “floating social bar”, that is, sharing icons that scroll and are available at all times.

You can share the article whenever you feel confident about it!

Install the free social sharing buttons from Social Pug plugin. After installation, you can choose which type of sharing icons you want to display on your site in the settings.

Of course, you should select the “Floating Sidebar” here and set how the icons should be displayed.

The social sharing button on mobile devices

In the free version, you can display icons for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest.

The premium version also offers you the ingenious option of displaying the social icons on mobile devices at the bottom as a small bar.

This feature alone is worth every penny!

In the Pro version, you can also display other social networks, display a widget with the most shared articles (very cool and great added value for your readers), create inviting pop-ups to share and much more.

You get all of this for $24, and as I said, even the free version brings you huge added value with the floating social bar!

With the social sharing buttons from Social Pug you offer your readers the opportunity to share articles and pages at any time and thus gain more reach via social media!

3: Social locker

A social locker can truly catapult your reach forward!

The meaning behind this is that the content you have specified is only activated when the reader shares the article via social media.

You can do this for articles, for example, if your teaser a certain “insider tip” but do not initially display it.

A social locker also makes sense for content upgrades (downloads to supplement an article). So you could create a checklist for the article, but hide the download button with the social locker.

In return for your “extra”, the visitor simply gives a like, posts a tweet or leaves a +1, not a big hurdle, but has a big effect!

The plugin gives you a detailed overview of the usage in the statistics!

This is what the Social Locker looks like without any further configuration. You can of course change and adapt all elements!

Keep in mind, however, that some people don’t like being forced to share at all. So it depends on your target group and of course your added value, whether the Social Locker is well received or leaves behind negative thoughts.

After the installation you can create a social locker and then “protect” your content with the following shortcode:

[sociallocker] Your content is here [/ sociallocker]

A social locker can dramatically increase your reach on social media. Hide a freebie or an important tip and first let the visitor “pay” with a social media share / like.

4: Revive Old Post

This plugin relieves you of the daily posting of your articles on Facebook and Twitter.

With Revive Old Post you can set how often your articles should be distributed via Facebook and Twitter and what content is posted exactly.

The posts of your articles on your fan pages generate a lot of traffic.

Especially if you already have a lot of articles, not every follower knows every article. By posting regularly, you will always reach new followers who have never seen your articles.

Another great advantage of the plugin is that your posts are automatically provided with a so-called URL parameter, which enables you to measure and understand the resulting traffic in Google Analytics!

I will now briefly guide you through the most important settings at the beginning so that you can get started right away, or rather, so that the plugin does the work for you.

1. Go to Revive Old Post from the menu
2. Connect your two most important accounts under “Accounts”
3. Set the minimum time interval between shared posts under “General Settings”
4. Activate Google Analytics campaign tracking so that you can get statistics
5. Exclude certain categories (if desired)
6. Set under “Post Format” what should be published as content
7. Enter the length of the mail
8. Enter hashtags that should be shared with the posts

With Revive Old Posts you can put the sharing of your posts via social media on autopilot and have this traffic channel automatically played according to your specifications.

5: Inline Related Posts

Apart from gaining fresh traffic, you naturally want to keep the generated traffic on your website for as long as possible.

This not only ensures more traffic on your site in general, but also sends positive user signals to Google through lower bounce rates and a longer dwell time (positive signals = better rankings = more traffic).

You can do all of this with the “Inline Related Post” plugin. It searches for a suitable article based on the content of an article and displays it within the text.

This will direct your readers to interesting, further articles, which will make your readers happy and generate positive user signals.

In the free version, the boxes with similar posts don’t look amazing, but that can be corrected with a bit of CSS. Alternatively, there are great templates in the Pro version that can be selected for the boxes.

Inline Related Posts ensures that a similar article appears in your articles that might also interest the reader. The longer retention period means that you send positive signals to Google.

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