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6 Benefits of Integrating WordPress with Salesforce 

Salesforce is one of the most well-known customer relationship management (CRM) systems on the market. When it comes to CRM, one brand that often comes to mind first for sales professionals is Salesforce. And why would you not? It’s natural for them to gravitate toward a solution that provides superior organizational and storage capabilities for the company’s data. When this data is integrated with a content management system, its value increases significantly. 

This CRM provides several features for storing and managing sales and prospecting data for your business. However, when combined with your WordPress website, this data may become much more helpful. We’ve included six effective methods for synchronizing your Salesforce and WordPress data below. 

The Benefits of Integrating Salesforce with WordPress 

Salesforce CRM is a widely utilized platform, and the connection with WordPress implies that two or more on-premises apps are brought together. Among the advantages of Salesforce, WordPress integration is improved data management, real-time order processing, and ROI enhancement. 

Easy Management of Users  

When WordPress users are synced with Salesforce CRM, you may maintain a single user database. If you utilize a Salesforce WordPress Plugin, you may also use fundamental WordPress features such as site registration to allow you to generate new leads in your Salesforce database directly from WordPress. Additionally, you may sync fields across two apps to provide access to a data set to all your company’s divisions. 

If you have a website that requires membership or if you want to store data on your website that is only available to your customers, you may use WordPress Salesforce connection to sync your users’ accounts dynamically. 

Conversion of Submission into Leads 

You’d want to turn your website traffic and form submissions into leads. And to do this, you’ll need to integrate your WordPress website with Salesforce in an efficient manner. It is possible to transfer form data to Salesforce and analyze its performance in CRM using WordPress filters. As you get insight into which forms convert the most effectively, you can support your inbound marketing team in performing at their highest level. 

Monitor activities of logged-in users  

To determine which portions of your website get the most traffic, you may enable ‘logged-in user page tracking, which will transfer user page history into a custom Salesforce Object. If you host your WordPress site, be aware that monitoring people at this level demands a significant amount of CPU power. And, depending on your web hosting provider’s pricing structure, this may become a costly prospect. HubSpot and a HubSpot Salesforce Integration provide a more accurate and effective method of tracking client behavior. 

Manage interaction of users  

With the help of WordPress Salesforce Integration, you can effortlessly manage your client interaction. To effectively manage users on a WordPress website, you should be aware that sufficient computing resources must be available at all times. Furthermore, depending on the costs charged by your hosting provider, this may be rather expensive. 

As a result, getting to know your end-user before becoming a lead is the most successful approach to controlling client activity. The Salesforce customer portal allows users to interact in a self-sustaining manner. 

Build an Ecommerce Store/Product catalog 

While there are several methods for importing your product database into your Salesforce CRM, there is only a handful for maintaining sync with an external eCommerce business. There are several out-of-the-box solutions available, which are products that function with the broadest possible range of Salesforce configurations. These off-the-shelf solutions may render your eCommerce process or database inoperable. 

A product catalog might be included as part of a bespoke integration solution. It might even include a fully-featured eCommerce system that keeps track of all stock levels, sales, and other sales data in your Salesforce database. Having historical purchase data in Salesforce enables you to target customers with new items, discounts, and marketing initiatives. 

Track Campaigns 

By integrating WordPress activities with Salesforce, you may correlate users that register on your WordPress site with a particular sales campaign. Additionally, you may associate anybody who submits a particular form with a specific Salesforce campaign ID. You may even choose the website activity you want to monitor. For instance, you might include a WordPress action that counts the number of blog entries a user visits in each product or service category. If they meet a specified measure (for example, the number of blog entries viewed), you may connect them with the campaign ID associated with that category. This method enables you to build and monitor an infinite number of custom actions. 


There is undoubtedly a great deal you can do using Salesforce, WordPress, and even HubSpot. Ensure that all changes and settings are aligned with your company objectives and priorities. Otherwise, you’ll be spinning your wheels on interesting technology that ultimately contributes nothing to the bottom line and has a low return on investment.