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7 Changes That Will Make a Big Difference with Your Betting Strategy

If you’re looking to update your gambling strategy or you want to some tips on how to improve your chances of success, look no further – these seven changes will have a big impact on your strategy when it comes to betting.

  1. Go in with a sound staking plan to keep your staking sensible and to keep you on track with your strategy. It will help you to ride out any of the losing runs that punters inevitably find themselves on at one stage or another and will also help to draw you back in if you get carried away on a winning streak.

  2. Take your focus away from the big markets, as the further down the pyramid you go in terms of leagues for sports, the greater your chances are of finding a valuable bet. If you’re hoping to make the most of your bets then placing your efforts on the lower leagues or even non-league sports, where the bookies aren’t looking.

  3. Price up your bet before you get odds help which will give you the best possible chance of going in with a neutral opinion. This is a good trick to use if you’re betting on a sport or activity where you have an invested interest as you’ll be able to see what sticks out as a good value bet rather than what you are naturally drawn to out of interest.

  4. It’s wise to know when you should stop chasing a bet down, so bet with a minimum value threshold. There’s a definite sliding scale of diminishing returns so the price should be your main focus – resist the urge to bet irrespective of the price and only place a wager if the odds are significantly in your favor.

  5. Keep accumulator bets as a form of fun rather than a money-maker, as accumulators can be a great way of winning big but they can also be a rare success. The attractions for bagging a successful accumulator are of course clear, don’t be fooled into the thinking that they’re anything other than a bit of fun. This type of bet should be kept back for those rare moments when you just want to place a bet for entertainment rather than as a form of strategy.

  6. Take a long-term approach to your betting strategy by building your betting bankroll and steadily increasing the amount you bet each time. Soon enough, the profits will start to roll in but remember than betting is a marathon, not a sprint, so don’t try to increase the pace too quickly or it could backfire.

  7. Avoid trying to make it ‘interesting’ and remember that value alone won’t cut it if you’re trying to make it big in betting. You will need to find events that you can bet at relatively high betting limits but remember that you don’t have to stick with the big players like football to achieve this.