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How to Become a Leader

The leader is not always the elected representative or boss. He or she can lead by example and give advice and guidance in everyday life, school, and work. As opposed to actions and personal qualities, Position does not make a person a leader at all. To become a leader, you should try to develop individual skills, look for a middle ground between authority and compassion, and demonstrate that other team members trust you.

Be sure, even if you don’t know all the answers.

Watch your posture, maintain eye contact, and gesture during your speech to highlight critical points—express confidence and belief in your ability to get the team from point A to point B. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge that you don’t know anything but don’t lose faith in yourself.

Imagine saying, “I don’t know,” while looking at the floor and nervously breaking your hands. Now imagine saying, “I don’t know the answer, but I’ll look into the details,” but you’re standing up straight and looking into the eyes of the person you’re talking to.

Not answering some questions doesn’t make you a lousy leader. All ineffective leaders feel insecure and are afraid to admit they are wrong.

Consider that from confidence to arrogance is one step. Recognize that you cannot know everything in the world and also not act arrogant. A person cannot know everything. For example, if you don’t know how to write your college essay, find a way out and advise some essay writer free services who can help writing an essay.

Keep learning about your field of study.

Take every opportunity to increase your knowledge in every Position, from sales manager to school club president. When it comes to experience, you will always have confidence and earn the trust of your colleagues. You can’t know everything, but your abilities will be compromised if you answer “I don’t know” to every question.

Worse, if you don’t answer, you will begin to distort and make things up to justify yourself. Then you’re mistaken and risk losing credibility.

So if you want to host a school event and raise money for charity, first check out the organization’s fundraising website’s guidelines.

If you’re leading a project team, learn every aspect of the products your team has created, take professional development courses, and keep up with technology developments.

Get a seasoned mentor.

Reach out to someone with strong leadership skills that you admire. Offer a cup of coffee or ask to be your regular mentor. Observe a person who embodies the concept of actions being louder than words, such as at, where the leadership philosophy is to serve others and lead by example.

Offer a cup of coffee or ask to be your regular mentor.

Look for role models who have dealt with similar problems and achieved identical goals. 

The perspective of asking someone to be your mentor is daunting, but try to relax. Start a conversation with the right candidate, ask about their accomplishments, and seek advice from time to time.

Find opportunities to learn from the best minds, but don’t forget to pass on your experience to younger colleagues.

Learn to resolve conflicts

If there is a sharp disagreement between your team members, tell them to hold hands. Invite colleagues to cool down a bit, if necessary. Determine the cause of the conflict and try to find a solution that is acceptable to all.

Try to understand each party’s point of view and remain objective. If there is no beneficial solution, try to make a compromise.

Let’s say you run a plant, and a typo on the drawings led to the order’s cancellation. The vendor is angry because he lost his commission. He yells at the developer who made a mistake. Tell them to calm down and emphasize no place for such emotions at work. Reassure your employees that a double-checking system will help avoid such problems.

In a work environment, you may need a human resources person to resolve such a conflict.

Act decisively instead of always hesitating

It’s essential to defend your decisions, but don’t become a despot. Collect information, listen to different opinions, and take time to discuss them. If time is up, it’s time to make the right decision.

For example, you and your friends are arguing about what to do tonight. Each suggests something different and rejects the ideas of others. Then one of you stands up and says, “Guys, tonight we’re going to do the following.” He saw that the situation required interference and took responsibility.

Sometimes you have to make your decisions, and sometimes you have to listen to other people. Ask yourself: “Is one decision against morality? Should the decision be made right now, or is there time to discuss the matter?

Be flexible and learn how to change your mind when new information comes to light.

Delegate authority and assign roles.

A leader doesn’t try to control every little thing or do everything himself. When tasks need to be handed out, clearly state what is required and make the necessary preparations. The job is much easier to entrust to other colleagues if they are eager to succeed.

An example of exact requirements: “Must have specifications for at least five installation projects by the end of the week.” Unclear requirements: “There should be several specifications drawn up.”

If you need to train a person, do the task yourself and explain each step by example. Then observe the contractor and carefully correct the mistake.

Treat your team with respect.

Show genuine compassion, as people always distinguish valid concern from playing to the public. Learn to listen to others opinions, praise employees for their hard work, and never stoop to rude comments. You are the one who set the tone in your team.

If the person disagrees with you, listen to counterarguments and reconsider. If their suggestions are inappropriate, say you respect the opinion, but do otherwise.

Maintain feedback

People may feel intimidated by a leader and not share constructive criticism with you. Don’t wait for someone to speak up. Ask straightforward questions about how you can improve your effectiveness.

The question should not imply a one-word answer. Ask specific questions: “What do you think I need to do to become a more effective leader?” – and “How can we better structure communication to avoid misunderstandings?”

Be accountable for your actions.

Defend your decisions and take responsibility for the consequences. If you’ve created a problem, don’t shift the blame to others and try to hide your mistakes.

Think of yourself as the captain of the ship. Her fate is in your hands, so turn the wheel in the right direction.

A good leader doesn’t put his hand down if the situation doesn’t go as planned. Don’t bury your head in the sand. Draw lessons from failures.

Dress appropriately

Your appearance may inspire confidence, but you must distinguish between wanting to impress and dressing appropriately. If you dress too lavishly, clothing can be a stumbling block between you and your subordinates.

If you are the manager of a casual café, you don’t need to wear a suit and tie. Otherwise, you risk losing customers and turning the staff against you.

If you are a high school president, it is better to come to meetings in an ironed shirt with buttons buttoned-up than to wear worn-out jeans and a wrinkled T-shirt.