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How Many Customers Can I Get From Facebook / Instagram Ads?

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It is quite hard for an average user to miss the increased amount of ads on Facebook and Instagram over the last few years. While at a first glance it may look like an unnecessary distraction, it becomes more and more obvious that there is definitely something interesting about it. What are the reasons for such popularity of Instagram and Facebook ads? How many new customers can be earned? Does it really worth it to run ads on these platforms?

What’s the difference?

While advertisement on both Facebook and Instagram is being run through Facebook ads manager, promotion requires different approaches, depending on the chosen platform.

It is crucial for a company with a limited advertising budget to decide, whether it wants a more complex and thorough Facebook ad, or if the simplicity of Instagram image and video ad is going to work wonders. It is considered that Instagram allows more freedom and requires less social media marketing experience to launch a successful advertising company. Let’s investigate how Instagram ads work.

How many clicks do Instagram ads get?

The main disadvantage of an Instagram ad is that it is impossible to use organic links in it. A person should copy it and paste it into the search bar in order to be redirected to an advertised website. While sounding horrible, it actually is not that bad. Millions of people turned Instagram scrolling into their daily habit. Even if the majority of Instagram users are going to be too lazy or too busy to copy the link, the Instagram ad campaign is still going to reach the target audiences and win some new customers.

The fact is, it isn’t as important how many clicks the ad is going to get, but how memorable it is going to be. To advertise on Instagram means creating interesting and engaging visual material. The ad should be eye-catching but not cliche or kitsch. Its purpose is to appeal to the esthetical taste of the target audience.

How much do Instagram ads cost?

Instagram advertising costs vary and it is important to take several aspects into account. On average, an Instagram ad costs about $1. This Instagram ad pricing and the fact that a company doesn’t even have to own an account to connect with its target audience makes Instagram highly attractive for entrepreneurs.

However, it is important to consider the current market situation. Instagram ads cost can vary from business to business and is fully dependent on a company’s needs and goals, as well as on the competition. It is possible to keep an Instagram ad cost within an affordable range by studying the market or by consulting the digital marketing agency team for advice.

How much do clients charge for Facebook ads?

Unlike Instagram, Facebook relies more on texts and less on images and videos. A more thorough description can be given in the ad, which allows customers to get to know a company a bit better than on Instagram.

As for the Facebook advertising costs, they are a bit more complicated to calculate than those of Instagram. Which doesn’t make the calculation unnecessary, because every business loves numbers.

Facebook ads cost consists of the price for one click ($0.97), the price for 1000 impressions ($7.19), not to forget cost-per-like and cost-per-download (approximately $1 and $5.5). It is important to measure the number of target users expected to be converted into new customers to choose among possible ad campaigns the most effective and creative direction. There is no need to overpay for downloads if a business can benefit from clicks and likes.

The Facebook advertising cost can also vary depending on the competition. It’s vital to win as many ad auctions as possible to make Facebook ad space more visible among many others for potential customers, thus winning their attention and gaining some recognition.

Should I spend more on Instagram and Facebook ads?

Both Instagram and Facebook are huge these days. Today it’s hard to find a person who hasn’t either of these apps installed on their smartphone. This makes Facebook and Instagram advertising an important component of any digital marketing campaign, making it worth the investment.

Of course, a company shouldn’t spend its entire profit on paid ads. Advertising must be perceived as a sharp precision instrument that is most useful in hands of a professional. Serving ads requires savvy with digital marketing tools, or the prices can quickly become exorbitant, while results will remain pretty grounded.

No business wants to pay more than necessary for ads than needed, but developing both cheap and effective strategies can be challenging for companies small and big. Digital marketing agencies can use their experience in cost-efficient advertising to help companies reach their full potential, be it on Facebook, Instagram, or, perhaps, other ad placements.

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