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6 Sales Psychology Hacks That Can Help You Sell More

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Sales reps deal with real people while trying to sell a product. Real people come with real emotions and a buying psychology that has been built over the years, if not decades.

If you are able to penetrate this psychology, congratulations, you get a successful sale, and if you do not, you lose a prospect. Therefore, understanding this psychology is crucial.

If that sounds difficult to you, don’t worry, there are ways you can hack through buyer psychology. All you need is an understanding of a few things.

What are they?

Let’s discuss!

Benefits trump Features

Every prospect is looking out for something that can solve their unique problem.

Telling a customer how a product might benefit their use case is ten times better than listing all the features.

If a customer wants the nitty-gritty, he/she will let you know; your focus should be on emphasizing how the product can benefit them.

Remember, your sales pitch is already failing if it doesn’t have the “because” CTA.

Know That They Do Not Care About You

Many times, sales reps get upset when a prospect does not react positively to their sales effort. But that should not be the case.

Always bear in mind that even when you try to do everything right, there is no certainty that you will consistently score a lead. So, try to take rejection with a pinch of salt, understand that “they do not care about you”.

Believe me; once you come to terms with this fact, you will automatically start selling better. Because as soon as you start blaming yourself, you begin making mistakes out of desperation. However, there is a catch. If you start blaming the customer, you might not correct yourself. Thus, resulting in another lost prospect.

Then, what to do?

Try to take a middle ground in such situations. Do not go running after an approval. Instead, be neutral and open to criticism.

Genuinely Believe in What You Are Selling

If you are a sales rep, “Fake it till you make it” doesn’t work for you. That’s because you need to be equally invested in your product to make sure your prospect shows interest too.

Note that knowing everything about the product is not always enough; you need to sell it like your life depends on it (It may sound a little dramatic, but it is what it is).  Only then you will be able to see some numbers.

And again, I do not mean that you oversell the product, just be genuinely interested in selling.

Showing the prospect that you believe in the product you are selling helps instill hope in them. And that’s precisely what we want; we want them to think that our product can change their life!

Leverage Loss Aversion

Even the most hesitant buyers are not capable of saying no to a great opportunity. And that is precisely what you need to leverage.

It would be best to make your prospect feel that they are missing a great deal when saying no to your product and services.

Trust me, it works wonders and is so much better than just simple value addition.

You need to make sure you tailor your pitch to describe a missed opportunity relating to each prospect’s particular situation.

Flaunt Your Expertise!!!

You need to be more authoritative as a seller; it makes it easier for the buyer to trust you and your pitch.

Prospects are already bombarded by tons of information from salespeople; they do not want to hear another pitch from someone persuading them to buy.

Instead, they need someone to give them insights upfront that can help their use case.

The idea is simple: if the prospect does not fully trust, they won’t buy from you in any case.

See The Bigger Picture

Sometimes it is hard to let go of a client. But, as the subheading said, you need to look at the bigger picture and learn to let them go whenever necessary. Let me tell you why.

When you tell a customer, “Sir/Ma’am, this product is not for you,” and quote them the reason why, youbuild the foundation of trust. Now, it is possible that you might not hear from the prospect again, but even the slightest chance that he might refer you to his friends and acquaintances is worth giving a shot!

Liked what you read? Then come, find more information on similar topics on Kylas. And, if there are any other sales hacks that you swear by, let me know in the comment section below!