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Bitcoin – Is It Profitable or Just a Fad?

© by CEO Today

After a long marathon run, Bitcoin has gained its social status with a promising opportunity for a trader to have a mileage through the investment in this crypto trading. Last year, unfortunately, the depreciation in value of Bitcoin went down by 70 percent. This year, the appreciation value of the coin improved by half to ensure the steady return for holding supremacy over other alternative coins. Its leading tendency is attracting investors. This year, it gained $10000 against American dollar. 

Bitcoin started its dramatic expedition after the inception in 2009. Though it did not get a lot of popularity in the beginning, slowly this crypto boomed creating a profitable market for traders. This decentralized currency is not owned by the bank or government. Investors have the liberty to mine the coins mathematically for strategic investment. Though it is not suitable for common persons to use for transaction, it is gaining ground expanding its power to outperform other cryptos like altcoins(ETH, Dash and Bitcoin Cash). You will have more practical examples, facts and information checking this site

Important Facts about Bitcoin 

Global crypto currency benchmarking research has brought a few interesting facts to update readers. According to experts, the bitcoin value increased three times after 2016. The market experienced speedy growth with the entry of Bitcoin which recorded 25 Billion USD by the end of 2017. The traders opt for the bitcoin trading tools to maintain regularity in cryptos. The estimated 5.8 million e-wallet users have been registered as active traders to buy or sell their bitcoins at various exchanges. 

How Does Your Bitcoin Work?

The block-chain is the fantastic digital technology which creates blocks to store the bitcoin information. It also maintains all the documents and data about the coin mining. It tracks information about the creation of digital tokens and their proper maintenance. When both buyer and sellers transact tokens, block chain ledgers store the updates regarding transactions. 

The miners use sophisticated technologies and coding formulae to generate coins. These currencies are then shifted to the public ledger files or blocks for proofs. If the miners solve the complicated math puzzle work, the next blocks are created to allow them to preserve native bitcoin tokens. 


The security of using the cryptos is remarkable and the possibility of coin stealing is rare. Basically, it is not a tangible currency. You will have to decode the key to hack the information from e-wallet. It is not a simple task. Besides, crypto trading is tax exempted. That means, you are not compelled to prepare the GST, VAT and other tax return files to keep trading the bitcoins. Banks can’t interfere to influence you. It is the great trading tool for a trader. Another advantage of buying the bitcoins is the low fee to have the technical support from brokers online. It is much affordable for crypto traders. The best online bitcoin brokerage websites offer the excellent leverage systems to help investors borrow the amount for purchasing more digital coins for business expansion. Later the borrowed amount is adjusted with the earnings or proceeds earned by the traders. 

Bitcoin Booms 

Upscale society values bitcoins and rich people depend on this currency as it is improving. If you check the previous history of tracking the price movement of the bitcoin, you will have positive feel and high expectation. For example, in last February 2021, the overall growth rate of the Bitcoin was significant increasing its value over 60,000 USD because of the activities of Tesla and Coinbase. Tesla announced that it broke the record by buying $1.5 billion worth bitcoins for trading purpose. On the other hand, China, Bitcoin had to bear brunt of demotion due to the repeated power cut problems which forced crypto traders to stop dealing. Therefore, there was initial downturn provisionally. Later, it improved a lot to continue its overall dominance over other alternative coins. 

The crypto currency updates have stated that whales (traders who hold large portion of bitcoins) are pleased to stock more cryptos. They take ownership of 92 percent of bitcoins comparing to two percent of preserving other alternative coins. These whales are interested to buy BTC and they will continue trading online. On the other hand, the survey reports have also indicated the strong inclination of the retail clients towards cryptos unlike conventional investors. 


Though rumors are prevailing that bitcoins will not stay alive after 2040 due to the power consumption issues, there is no strong evidence supporting the statement of withdrawal of the BTC from the market owing to higher rate of power wasting to mine the coins. There will be more effective energy-efficient tools for traders to control the power consumption to enhance the smooth Bitcoin trading. It is not a fad but bitcoin will be in forefront even after the frequent downtimes at short intervals. It gallops ahead increasing its appreciation value.