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A Beginner’s Guide – 4 Simple Cooking Hacks Even Beginners Should Know

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Cooking can seem like a daunting task for first-timers, especially when you hear things like one wrong ingredient or measurement that can mess up the whole meal. But the truth is, cooking is one of the most enjoyable, and easiest, hobbies to pick up. 

Plus,  even as a beginner, you get to experiment with your preferred ingredients, and come up with many recipes and cooking hacks to prepare a delicious meal every day. Given the amount of leeway, it clearly isn’t hard to learn how to cook at all!

If you ever feel overwhelmed by ingredients or the fancy cookware your mom got you, refer to these hacks, and all your fears will evaporate within no time.

Peeling With Spoon

If you’re making something as simple as fruit salad, you will still need to peel some fruits. As a beginner, knives may seem intimidating but you have to somehow finish peeling. Luckily there’s a way out for you. You will need fruit, for example, a kiwi, and a spoon. Cut the kiwi from in between and scoop it out using your spoon – easy peasy! You can use this technique to scoop out other soft fruits as well. You can even use it to scrape off thin peelings as well. Try this on ginger.

Quick Boiling Potatoes

Boiled potatoes make up several comfort foods. There are a lot of celebrity recipes that include the use of boiled potatoes. But it can be a nuisance to boil potatoes for hours, then peel the hot skin that burns your skin, and only after this can you use them in a dish.

The easy way is to peel the potatoes first. Cut them into small pieces and then boil them. It will take less time and you’ll be serving in no time. You can mash them or use them in any of your favorite salads. It’s totally up to you.

Separating Egg Shell From Raw Eggs

Making eggs seems easy, but how do you separate those annoying little pieces of eggshells floating in the whites? Brace yourself; you are about to find the best eggshell hack ever that will make prep time easier. Just use the bigger piece of eggshell to scoop out any remaining pieces of shells. No need for spoons or panic. Your job is done through a simple shell. Now you can use your eggs any way you like.

Freezing Coffee Blocks

Most of the time, you want a Starbucks-standard iced coffee. But who has time to beat coffee until it’s as foamy as can be? Frankly, nobody has enough energy to whisk coffee for half an hour. If they had, they wouldn’t want coffee in the first place!

What you can do is, on your off day, mix coffee with hot water. Put it in the ice tray and freeze it. Whenever you want iced coffee, pour yourself a tall glass of milk, put a frozen coffee cube in, and BAM! Your iced coffee is ready.

Wrapping it up, you can definitely save a lot of time in cooking if you know these life-saving cooking hacks. Of course, you will have to practice more and learn new dishes, but for a beginner, you can survive on a tiny number of recipes using these hacks.