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AdSpyglass Media Kit 

What is AdSpyglass Media Kit maker? 

AdSpyglass, a reputable development company with deep expertise in advertising, has released a revolutionary product that transforms the idea of efficient direct traffic selling.

Let’s see what tasks this solution can cope with, study its performance and innovative features, and learn who will benefit the most using the AdSpyglass Media Kit solution.

It is no longer a secret that ability to sell your traffic directly and at a high cost has a significant impact on your website profit. However, not everyone knows how to put it into practice. This article will disclose the benefits of implementing a groundbreaking advertising solution to boost your website productivity.

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What is a Media kit, and what are its benefits? 

Concept of advertising media kit 

A media kit (or press kit) is a special section on your site devoted to information based on which ad buyers evaluate your resource capabilities.

It gives details on the site traffic and scope. The main aim of a media kit is to convince potential advertisers that your resource will provide the most effective way to reach the target audience. In simple words, it is the information block that sells your ad space directly.

Only yesterday, Media kits were the prerogative of media holding companies and large websites. But AdSpyglass reshapes this reality allowing everyone to take advantage of the personal media kit that can be implemented at any site regardless of its size.

Advantages of a media kit for your website

More and more sites agree that a media kit becomes a must-have element for every resource.

  • A media kit will help your site favorably stand out from competitors and show you are fully ready to cooperate with ad buyers and advertisers.
  • It contains details of ad formats, impressions, countries, and devices, enabling buyers to make informed decisions.
  • A media kit is direct proof your resource has all things in place to start selling direct traffic.
  • It is an efficient approach to saving time when providing potential customers with your traffic specifications. Instead of lengthy discussions and endless requests, they will get comprehensive information on one page.

This list of benefits proves that every point significantly increases the probability of engaging new advertisers. With a media kit, small projects can enjoy direct selling benefits, just like large-scale companies.

How to build a media kit with AdSpyglass?

The AdSpyglass team has prioritized providing its users with the most straightforward set of tools needed to create a media kit that would effectively sell their traffic. Moreover, the company allows you to build your own media kit and facilitate and boost your ad space selling. What stands behind it?

A step-by-step guide to adding a media kit to your site with AdSpyglass

  1. The first step is to become a registered user of the service. To learn all details, go to the AdSpyglass Media Kit landing page. It lists all the features of the product. It will take you a few minutes to sign up and create an account.
  2. The next step is the configuration procedure. It is enough to follow a customer support widget to do everything without time waste. This stage will open your access to website settings, allowing you to start building a Media Kit.
  3. Once you complete your Media Kit’s creation, you may add a branded logo to achieve the desired look.
  4. Now your Media Kit should be made visible to your site visitors. It is necessary to add a link to your website. There is also an option to add a link to redirect a visitor straight to a dedicated website page.
  5. All done! Get prepared to receive a flow of advertising requests and cope with them in no time. And the AdSpyglass account will help you sell and distribute your traffic following advertisers’ requirements.

What is the main benefit of a media kit created with AdSpyglass? 

As it has been explained, the AdSpyglass Media Kit will not only contribute to the visual appearance of your site. Its role is much broader and more meaningful. The critical point is to optimize your site to a robust and traffic-manageable platform.

Direct interaction with advertisers via AdSpyglass

Once you complete to build and configure your media kit, you can start using AdSpyglass as an Ad Manager and get immediate rewards in the form of growing interest in your site.

Media kit technologies

It is not necessary to have a deep technical background to implement this product on your website successfully. AdSpyglass created a ready-to-use solution that can be used by everyone – pre-built media kit templates that are compatible with all devices. The developer made a special focus on the best practices of UX and UI.

Traffic Management System

Besides media kit primary functions, there is also a fully-fledged system for direct and efficient interaction with advertisers.

You will fully manage your traffic and get access to detailed statistics on your site performance. It is a perfect tool to tailor your site capacity to meet the individual needs of every advertiser.

This easy-to-use product will effectively cope with the statistics, reports, and billing allowing your staff to save a lot of time.

AdSpyglass will automate these essential processes and make them much more effective.


The technologies are rapidly developing. And it is crucial for your website to keep up with these changes and introduce innovations.

A media kit is an essential element to be implemented today to stay competitive on the market. It is already actively used by large-scale companies. But the AdSpyglass webmasters have gone further and made this tool available to small and medium-size websites. The product creates exclusive conditions for building and managing a media kit, thereby improving the site’s position. You get only the opportunity to attract ad buyers and deal with them directly.

It is the right time to experiment with media kit technology. Start exploring its potential with AdSpyglass today and enjoy the results that will not take long to come.