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Amazon SEO Explained

SEO on Amazon is similar to regular SEO. Amazon SEO is basically the optimization of your listings on Amazon’s Marketplace to make your products stand out from the crowd, and therefore, earn yourself more orders and profit.

Amazon SEO Tools

There are other ways to optimize your content listings, and that is to use an IO Scout Amazon Listing Optimization Tool – taking a look at the features that are beneficial for Amazon selling businesses, so you can concentrate on other aspects of your selling business.

IO Scout is a tool for Amazon sellers to elevate selling success, by tracking specific products to uncover potential rewarding items to sell on Amazon. Offering the ability to increase sales through Amazon for Private Label Sellers and Wholesale Sellers alike, and saving time and money in the process.

How to Optimize your Amazon Listings

1) Keywords are Key

The initial thing to do when you’re contemplating optimizing your page is to conduct thorough keyword research. If you’re familiar with SEO (there we go again with another acronym), it’s not quite the same on Amazon. Test out IO Scout Amazon keyword tools is our advice here.

You can optimize your listing further by completing the following steps:

*Adding these researched keywords to all sections of your listing including the title of the item, the description of the item, and the item’s features
*Including high-quality, professional-grade images
*Concentrating your item’s highlights on your item’s uses and advantages, and taking into consideration your customers’ wants, needs and requirements before committing to purchasing your item

Once is enough for your listing on Amazon, there is no need to repeat them like perhaps you would have done with old school SEO. By selecting the best and relevant keywords for your products, you will generate more leads through your content which is sponsored. More leads = more conversions. More conversions = less amount of money required to generate leads in the first place. Happy FBA Seller!

2) Page Content Optimization

The last thing you want to happen is to generate all these lovely new leads to your item pages, and have disappointed visitors, because alas, your item pages do not contain what they typed into the sear bar. Be sure that your listings are appropriate to your newly founded keywords.

Amazon wants to bring potential customers together with the products they want to buy (obviously!), so Amazon won’t connect the dots between the customer and your product if it isn’t clear that what you are proposing to sell them is what they are searching for.

For sponsored products on Amazon’s Marketplace, make sure you are providing listing information that is:

*Relevant to their keyword search
*Useful to your prospective customer
*Entices them into placing an order for the product

A product page which converts successfully has the following features:

*A comprehensive description of the product
*Product images which are high-quality and professional (this includes videos, too)
*Eligible for Amazon Prime and all its features
*An attractive title, which is also precise and reflective of the product

By including this valuable content within your product listings, you will be rewarded by Amazon, as the outcome of this will be customers who are interacting with your page, and enjoying lower bounce rates. They will hang around to find out more about your product as they will be interested and intrigued as to what you are offering. Once Amazon realizes that your product page description is appropriate, and the price is suitable, conversions will happen.

3) Let’s Talk about Titles

We’ve touched on this topic, but it’s worth reviewing as there’s a bit more optimization that you can achieve in this area.

To generate more leads to your sponsored products, you need to excite and entice your audience. Including words in your product title which are super relevant and eye-catching is the way forward here.

Check out what your competitors are up to, so do some keyword research on your competitors’ item descriptions. It may be that your competitors who are doing better than you in the Amazon BSR ratings are optimizing their keywords more effectively; it may be that they are more efficient at answering their customers’ queries in the item description. Perform some analysis, and work out where you can improve your product listings.

How do you stay in the game at Amazon PPC?

Stay present and relevant. What is successful today in terms of advertising on Amazon, will not necessarily be successful next week. Continue monitoring, adjusting and observing to stay at the top of your game.

Seek out those opportune chances in order to distinguish your campaigns from your competition. This all adds up to becoming more visible on the Amazon Marketplace, and an increase in visibility all helps with awareness of your business.

Try to find chances for new keywords – test and monitor them as it’s no use placing bids on all the identical keywords as your competition. Try out the User Search Term Report and reverse ASIN to track down those keywords related to ASIN, and whereabouts they are in the rankings.

How to Optimize your CPC (cost per click)

First things first is to be crystal clear about your advertising campaign, and exactly what it is you want to achieve, and what your aims are.

Optimizing your CPC effectively can help you towards these 3 aims:

1) Executing a campaign that is successful, and lucrative

In order to achieve this, strike for a low ACoS point, with a profit margin you have already worked out, after considering your costs spent on advertising. This method ensures you don’t blow the budget on your PPC ads.

2) Boost your sales

Utilizing Amazon PPC advertising campaigns will elevate your item’s status in the search results on Amazon.

3) Boost your overall profit

Potentially the best aim, is number three. But also it is the aim that is probably the most tricky to bring to fruition. This is because there is no way of knowing what the maximum profit is going to be for a specific product once you factor in the growth in ad expenditure.

Amazon SEO Conclusion
Hopefully you will have picked up some tips during the course of this article to assist your Amazon selling business, and empowers you as an Amazon FBA seller.