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Best Powerful Promotional Ideas for eCommerce Businesses To Boost Sale

Did you know that 4 out 5 customers place their first order after receiving pretty good offer. As per the study, over 60% of customers ended up buying without any prior planning only if they get an offer. Sales and promotions are not the new concept. We have been seeing it since a long. The coupons and discounts are the part of time business. Almost every business try to attract more customers and retain existing users through special offers. Being an eCommerce owner, you must apply effective method of online sales and advertising. Your ads plays as important role as your discount. By throwing high discount, you can’t always attract customer. You must utilize unique promotional method, so that your targeted audience get to know about your business. With the perfect combination of Instagram advertising and coupon code, the brands like become highly popular. 

Here, I am going to share some cool list of promotional methods that you implement to give rocket like speed to your eCom business.

Giveaways and Contests

Giveaways and sweepstakes are the oldest and still in-demand method for marketers around the world. Whether you are running an online business or service based platform, you cannot ignore the contest. Because, with the help of contest, you get totally free and genuine traffic towards your landing page. It is one of the great opportunity for you to presents your product to the wider group of people for FREE. Make sure to spread the word of your contest to as many places as you can, such as Contest Scoop, to make sure you are getting as many eyes as possible on your contest!

Social Media Advertising

Lately, the social media platforms like Facebook, Tik tok and Instagram become hot cake for the small and medium brands to reach the targeted audience. Today, majority of people uses social media, so you can hire influencers in your niche and ask them to promote your products or services. There are so many dedicated platforms available to create attractive social media ads with ready-made templates. Once you are done with ads, hire Influencers. It proven and affordable way to advertise online. And check your ecommerce analytics

Flash Sales and Lucky Wheel

As per the recent study, 7 out of 10 people search for the sale before going for online shopping. Flash sale always run for a short period of time in which you can promote your highly popular products with discount. Or you can offer special Dux Soup discount for all those who purchase the bundle promotion. Basically, it is time bound nature of promotion. Being a time sensitive, it force your visitors to place order and you will see some instant increased in sale. 

Similarly, you can implement lucky spin wheel in your eCommrece store. Whenever visitor spin the wheel, they get limited time valid coupon to be used for next order. Since every coupon is attached with certain time, so chances are high you will get immediately sell.

Free Samples or Subscription Promotion

Almost 90% of online stores provide subscription deals to all their visitors. Subscription is the cool way to reach to your audience whenever you want and turn them into the repeat business. Too often, visitors open the stores and forgot to purchase. If you have added subscription, then chance are high they come back to place an order. 

You can also send free samples or some cool gifts for FREE when customer purchase certain products or service. Too often, customer buy packages only to get free things attached with. If you can plan some cool free gift like Free steaming membership with every order , then chances are high you will get good number of customers.  These are some commonly used practice by online marketers. If you can’t afford to hire marketers, then you can use it by yourself. The Merch informer lifetime coupons and deals are the most easiest  and effective way to increase sales of your business.