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Common Java Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Java is one of the oldest yet most reliable and robust programming languages that has been powering most enterprise applications and software solutions in different industries like airline reservation systems, electricity billing systems, and e-Healthcare management systems for years. 

It has a fairly simpler learning curve and unparalleled features like object-oriented programming, garbage collection, Java security protocols, garbage collection, and others that make it an ideal platform to develop web development, mobile app development, enterprise software development, internet of things, game development, and much more. 

Whether you are an experienced Java developer or an aspiring one, there are certain common mistakes that you are bound to commit in your Java development journey. Companies looking to hire Java developers often prefer they be aware of these basic Java mistakes and know about Java development best practices. Committing mistakes is natural and perfectly fine until you know how to work around them or identify them so your overall app can handle the later stages. By gaining expertise on these common Java pitfalls and following certain best practices, you can significantly reduce the chances of running into these Java mistakes and improve your overall Java development efficiency. 

Common Java Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Here are some of the most common Java development mistakes you should avoid in 2023. Irrelevant to your experience level, revising these mistakes and keeping an active mind to avoid them will significantly help you improve your Java development experience. 

Mistake #1 – Not understanding Java Memory Management

Java has a feature of automatic memory management, which makes Java developers feel at ease about not having to allocate memory and freeing manually. To responsibly use the automatic Java memory management system, you need to understand concepts like heap memory management, object lifecycle, and strong/weak references to ensure optimal memory utilization and avoid memory leaks or other issues in later stages.

Mistake #2 – Improper usage of synchronization

Synchronization is a great mechanism for Java developers to ensure thread safety and prevent concurrent access to the codebase’s sensitive and critical sections. Using synchronization, developers can control their access to shared data, which helps maintain data integrity. This can lead to various Java performance bottlenecks, deadlock situations, and thread contention. 

Mistake #3 – Not paying attention to Exception Handling

Exceptional Handling in any programming language is an important practice for establishing proper error management and application stability. If you neglect exceptional handling practices, your Java application can become more prone to security vulnerabilities, performance inconsistencies, or system crashes. You should always try to catch exceptions using catch blocks, handle exceptions or throw declarations efficiently. 

Mistake# 4- Ignoring Null Point Checkers

Most Java developers have faced the NullPointerException at least once in their Java development journey. It is an error when you declare a variable without any object assigned to it. Most developers make a catchphrase for NullPointerException rather than writing code to manage the null pointer dereferences. This method makes it difficult to identify which expression causes the exception or negatively affects the overall app performance.

Mistake 5# Confusing the purpose of == and equals()

Java has two different operators with two different purposes – the “==” operator is used for checking reference quality and comparing memory addresses, whereas equals() is used for checking content equality between different objects. Incorrectly mixing the two can lead to disastrous outcomes and leading to many errors in the system. 

Mistake #6 – Hardcoding Values

Hardcoding values directly to any app’s code can lead to rigidity in modifying the codebase. By utilizing constants, external resources, or configuration files to store configurable values, you can optimize your code to be more flexible and maintainable.

Mistake #7 – Not utilizing Code Reusability

Using Java’s best inheritance, composition, and interface offerings, your codebase can become more varied, manageable, and complex. Code reusability is a great asset that reduces overall app size and development time significantly. You should always design your Java codebase with modularity and code reusability to promote code sharing and reduce code duplication in your project.

Mistake #8 – Not freeing the Resources

One of the easiest mistakes to commit when coding for long hours is to forget to free up resources after using them. Reaching them without proper care leads to open file handles, network sockets, database connection, and other resource exhaustion. Refrain from freeing these resources when not in use to avoid memory leaks and system instability. 

Mistake #9 – Not following Naming Conventions

Unclear or inconsistent naming conventions make the code more difficult to read and understand. If you adhere to proper naming conventions set by Java and use meaningful names for variables, classes, methods, and packages, your overall code readability will improve significantly. This also helps in team collaboration environments in large teams and on enterprise-grade projects. 

Mistake #10 – Confusing between mutable and immutable

Both mutable and immutable objects have their unique properties and relevance. Most Java developers need clarification about when to make a mutable object and when to go for immutable. Mutable objects are modifiable after creation, and immutable objects aren’t. It makes sense to use immutable objects for benefits such as simplicity, safety, and reduced memory; however, they add up to the garbage collection since they require separate objects for all unique values. As a best practice, using immutable objects where you are caching, security, thread safety, and mutable objects for performance, object modeling, and flexibility are advisable. 

Mistake #11 – Not paying attention to errors of compile-time errors

The syntax errors found by Java during the compilation process are identified by the Java compiler during the compilations process and are known as compilations time errors. More often than not, Java developers need to pay more attention to these compile-time errors or review their code thoroughly. Paying attention to these errors can help developers find mistakes in their Java source code before running it. 

Mistake #12 – Not using Design Patterns

Design patterns are the crux of any programming language and the biggest assets for developers as they help make the software solution more efficient by implementing standard design solutions. Most Java design patterns are well-established techniques that can help reduce coding errors such as code duplication, lack of proper structure and organization, decreased code maintainability, and other issues, leading to better learning curves and adaptability for new and senior Java developers.

Mistake #13 – Storing Password as Strings

Most Java developers make the grave mistake of storing users’ passwords as strings which can lead to serious security concerns. Strings are immutable, which can be problematic since you cannot clear the value of this string, as immutable objects cannot be edited or modified. If an attacker manages to exploit your Java app or access it, your system’s memory can easily find the plain text password stored in these immutable strings.

Final Words

These are the 13 common mistakes to avoid in Java development in 2023. Companies prefer to hire dedicated developers who are well-versed in these mistakes and know how to use Java coding best practices to work on their next Java project. Keep practicing and refining your skills.

Author Bio

Ronak Patel is a CEO and Founder of Aglowid IT Solutions, an ever-emerging Top Web and Mobile Development company with a motto of turning clients into successful businesses. He believes that Client’s success is company’s success and so that he always makes sure that Aglowid helps their client’s business to reach to its true potential with the help of his best team with the standard development process he set up for the company.