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Unlocking the Potential of Smooth Platform Transitions: A Comprehensive Guide to Migration in Modern Digital Workspaces

So you’ve finally decided to migrate to a new digital workspace? Congratulations! Now, like any other change, you’ll likely have to deal with some challenges and uncertainties along the way. But don’t worry, because in this guide, we’ll share some insightful advice on how to successfully navigate the complexities of digital workspace migration.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

You need to deal with technical debt once and for all

Let’s face it; every business has at one point or another resorted to using quick tech solutions to address problems without considering their long-term value or how they fit into the company’s overall technology setup. These hasty fixes, often implemented without IT approval, end up accumulating over time and create what we call technical debt.

Now, when you’re migrating to a new digital workplace platform, it’s the perfect opportunity to reassess your company’s technical debt.

Take a moment to find out which tools your employees are actually using and which ones are effective. Their input is crucial. This is also your chance to create a clear strategy that’s supported by executives, guiding employees on which technology to use for specific purposes and when it’s appropriate.

Addressing technical debt during the migration process not only ensures a smoother transition to the new platform but also improves efficiency, security, and empowers your employees.

Get ready to face some resistance

One of the trickiest aspects of transitioning to a new technology solution for your workplace is getting your employees on board with the idea. Luckily, you can employ a few strategies to make this process smoother.

For starters, take the time to truly understand your employees’ concerns and challenges. Dive deep into their individual needs, whether it’s based on their job roles, the teams they belong to, their cultural backgrounds, or even their personal preferences. The goal here is to help you create tailored user experiences that cater to their unique requirements.

Next, invest in comprehensive training programs. Offer a variety of learning materials like engaging videos, simple-to-follow PDFs, and helpful visuals. This will ensure that each employee can learn in a way that suits them best.

Finally, if your in-house resources are limited, consider seeking external assistance. Experts can help with the technical aspects of the process, including specialized tasks like tenant to tenant migration

Don’t negotiate on mobile-readiness

This one needs no introduction really, especially with the mobile revolution going on. When you’re migrating to a new digital workspace platform, you must ensure that it works seamlessly on mobile devices.

While you are at it, consider your company’s security needs and the different types of workers you have—whether they’re on the frontlines, at their desks, or working remotely. Don’t forget to account for the time it takes to roll out and test mobile apps during your migration timeline.

Once the migration is complete, make a big deal about mobile access. Show your employees that they can work whenever and wherever they want.

This will make a huge impact, especially when it comes to community collaboration and small team tools. It’s all about making the new platform a hit and ensuring everyone adopts it.

Of course, keep in mind your company’s mobile device policy (like using your own device or company-issued ones) and the security measures you have in place for mobile access (like VPN or MDM).

Keep your middle management and IT personnel closer

A common mistake we see companies make when pursuing projects like digital workspace migration is to overlook their middle management and IT staff. While most of the focus will naturally be on gaining support from top-level executives and end users, these middle managers and IT professionals play a crucial role that should not be underestimated.

It’s worth noting that middle managers are often the ones who assess the success of such projects. For instance, if the main goal of a digital workplace project is to achieve more efficiency, it is the responsibility of middle management to determine whether this objective has been met or not.

Similarly, you need the support of IT personnel especially if the project impacts their work directly with the introduction of new automations. Initially, they may respond defensively due to concerns about losing control and protecting their domain.

However, it’s vital to involve them fully to prevent any go-slows and to ensure the project is completed on time and within budget. A simple way to garner their support is by highlighting other interesting projects they can take on with the additional time freed up by automation.


Workspace migration doesn’t have to be complex, especially if you can afford to hire a knowledgeable service provider. If not, our guide should offer a good starting point for you.

Overall, plan carefully, involve all stakeholders and staff, and communicate effectively to ensure everyone involved feels wanted.

Other than that, be sure to assess your organization’s needs and choose the right technologies to boost productivity and drive business growth. Good luck!