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Cormac Reynolds of Talks Online Reputation Management

A reputation management agency in London specializes in building and protecting your online image. They work to maintain a positive reputation for individuals or businesses. Even one negative review of your brand can deter buyers. It might be difficult to evaluate how many sales you lose as a result of the negative reviews. Here are 5 tips from VelSEOity to improve the online reputation management of your brand and help reach its revenue goals.

  1. Remove the Obstacles that Stymie Reviews

Fact – Over 90% of consumers read online reviews before buying a product while only 6% write a review.

Happy customers usually don’t leave a review about a product or service. They will give many excuses such as they are too busy, they forgot to write it, or it’s too difficult if you ask them to leave a review.

You should make it easier and entice your happy customers to leave a review. Implement an automated process by using an online reputation management software such as Grade.Us. It will make reviewing your business easier and simplify the tasks of the daily operations of your business.

  1. Earn the Privilege of a Positive Review

Fact – Every customer is looking for a guide.

A guide does a lot of things in your customer’s life. One thing is it participates in the customer’s transformation. The guide lets your customer become someone better than he or she used to be. Rather than just selling the customer a product, you will position the product as a tool the customer can use to win the day.

Positive reviews are considered a natural extension of the transformation the customer undergoes because of the guide.

  1. Make sure You Respond to every Review Openly and Honestly

Fact – Responding to online reviews is an art on its own.

Every positive review needs acknowledgment. You should respond to each positive review with a genuine note of thanks. If you can do some behind-the-scenes research, it’s better to mention a detail of the transaction that the customer can remember. That way you make the customer feel important, and everyone likes to feel important.

Even if someone leaves a negative review of the product, you shouldn’t become reactionary. Take a deep breath and give yourself enough time to regroup. Try to do whatever you can to solve the problem of the customer and be humble during the entire process.

  1. Online Reviews are a Company Asset

Fact – Enthusiasm about your brand is a valuable advantage to the company.

A series of positive reviews will help the search engines to increase your brand authority in local search.

Positive reviews deserve a better place on the company’s balance sheet combined with the already powerful word of mouth effect. When you have taken the time to improve your online reputation, positive feedback is worth its weight in gold. It’s very important if you ever consider selling the business in the future.

  1. Software can Help but it’s not a Replacement for Hard Work

Fact – Providers may promise to manage your online reputation. But no one can truly do it other than you and your staff.

Software can automate the process only if you have a process, to begin with.

Sustain the process by creating a review funnel. Invite your customers to leave reviews and recover negative customers before they vent online.