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Dedicated Developers Vs Freelance Developers: Which one to hire?

The aftermath of the pandemic has forced a lot of businesses to move their framework remotely.

The remote culture is the ever-growing sensation that has helped businesses to succeed.

Nevertheless, some people acquire dedicated developers loyal to their specific project rather than spending time on multiple projects simultaneously.

Similarly, to keep your IT business operations streamlined, you need to hire mobile app developer and other diverse developers for unique tasks.

You need to weigh your pros and cons effectively before deciding whether to hire dedicated developers or go remote.

Listed below are few fundamental and respective benefits and disadvantages associated with hiring dedicated developers and freelance developers.

Pros To Hiring Dedicated Developers

  • Immense Devotion

This is the benefit that welcomes you without a doubt is the immense devotion hiring dedicated developers have for your project. 

They will have no distraction to keep them from bringing innovative and helpful solutions on the table.

  • Loyal To Company Goal

This essentially means you and your hired resources will be encouraged to walk side by side.

Once you hire full stack developer or  a dedicated team of developers, you will be closer to the chances of having your vision achieved.

Your dedicated developers will be more loyal to the company goal because they will have their entire focus laid on a single project assigned by you.

  • Agility

Another core advantage of hiring a dedicated development team is the level of agility it offers.

By keeping an in-house dedicated team you can easily match your needed tech requirement in an approachable manner.

The hired dedicated development team serves an extension of your on-premise staff that you can easily fully interact with to find solutions to your business operations..

Maintaining the agility of your business operations can be enhanced with the recruitment of a dedicated development team.

  • Reliability

The professionals who work in dedicated development teams rely on enterprises entirely from financials to extra-leisure support. 

Given the importance of the rising demand for this, the number of dedicated teams providing full reliability has considerably gone up in the recent past. 

This means that there is intense competition in the market for this model and even the best of the talent has to earn their place to stay relevant. 

Delivering efficient and reliable products becomes essential to their survival. 

So when you hire a dedicated development team to cater to your IT requirements, you can rest assured that they will deliver quality software applications in as short a timeframe as possible.

To ensure transparency and accountability, almost all dedicated development service providers have institutionalized elaborate processes for evaluation and reporting.

 You can monitor the progress from one milestone to another, often in real-time. 

  • Quality Infrastructure

Setting up a full-blown IT department with cutting-edge tools and solutions requires massive investment.

Most startups and mid-sized companies do not have the resources to set up this  kind of infrastructure. 

This is where hiring a  dedicated development team comes in by providing the necessary means to create a solid infrastructure.

This helps businesses give a smooth take on projects of varying sizes and complexity, while delivering optimal results. 

Investing in a development team ensures that your tech products, no matter how complex, are developed using the best resources.

  • Quick Turnaround Time

When working with a dedicated development team, you can be assured of quick turnaround times with timely deliveries. 

The dedicated teams working on such projects work in optimized environments that result in seamlessly supporting completion of projects in a time-effective manner. 

With concrete planning from the client’s end, a dedicated team can work on any project like well-oiled machinery.

Moreover, if they are well-motivated they deliver proficient results  in much shorter time frames. 


Pros To Hiring Freelance Developers

  • Timely Delivery

Freelance developers are more prone to timely delivery because of how trained they are.

A traditional 9 to 5 work schedule is followed by web development companies five days a week.

Having a rigid and strict schedule can make it difficult to adhere to rushed deadlines and quick projects.

Freelance developers can provide great leverage of timely delivery as they have more freedom to collaborate better.

  • Reduced Cost

Hiring freelance developers saves you a huge amount of irrelevant cost.

This includes electricity, rent and other related infrastructure expenses.

In most cases, freelance web developers work from home or a shared workspace where overhead costs are low. 

You can often apply the savings you create by hiring a freelancer to other aspects of your business or project. 

  • Build A Network

Freelancers work on building relationships and network with freelancers withholding similar skills.

This allows them to acquire the needed insights into relevant projects and exceptionally  to market themselves to the right target audience.

For example, a freelance web developer building a website may need connections with a proficient individual in the field of search engine optimization.

A freelance web developer may require connections to search engine optimization specialists.

  • Complete Control

Businesses shy away from working with remote teams because they are afraid the outcome may not be in the desired direction.

However, this is not the case.

When an outsourcing model has its foundations to build very strong, consistent communication from the client as well as the team, the results can be surprisingly efficient. 

You can tap into tools such as Skype, Basecamp, JIRA, and GoToMeeting to retain complete control on the progress of a project. 

These interactions and brainstorming sessions are essential in maintaining transparency, enhancing productivity, and making the workflow more seamless. 

Bottom Line

The freelancing world has skyrocketed in popularity because of the immense benefits and results it provides to leading enterprises. 

However, that doesn’t mean you need to stick to traditional work culture and  hire remote developers for your enterprise.

Recruiting dedicated developers or freelance developers has its own respective perks.

You can easily choose which model you prefer according to your business niche, time demanded and much more.