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Does an IRS Offer in Compromise Hurt Your Credit?

© by PrettyVectors

What is an offer in compromise, and who is eligible for one?

Through the Offer in Compromise procedure, a qualified taxpayer experiencing severe financial difficulty might be able to settle their tax debt for a manageable proportion.

The IRS will give your request their full consideration if you submit an offer in compromise, but the offer will only be considered if it complies with the conditions. When assessing your plan, New York State’s and other taxpayers’ best interests will be considered. Likely, paying the whole amount required to settle your trust tax liability will be necessary (unpaid sales or withholding taxes, excluding penalty and interest). Due to this, the IRS will deny applications from certain applicants who meet all requirements.

Offer justifications

The IRS may issue an OIC in the following situations:

To begin with, if the amount owing is in dispute, the IRS is ready to negotiate a solution. This criterion is only satisfied if there is a sincere disagreement over the existence or size of the proper tax liability under the law.

Moreover, if collection attempts are unsuccessful, the IRS may agree to a settlement for less than the amount owed.

The tax obligation’s collectibility is in doubt if the taxpayer’s assets and income cannot fully pay the tax bill.

Third, the Internal Revenue Service is receptive to a solution emphasizing efficient tax administration. When there is no question that the tax is legally due and that the total amount owed may be collected, but requiring a full payment would either result in financial hardship or be unfair and unfair due to atypical circumstances, an offer based on efficient tax management may be accepted.

An OIC is not your sole option for debt reduction.

Keep in mind that there are other ways to avoid the IRS’s grasp without making a deal. The IRS cannot make you pay a debt even if they agree that you have one (known as currently uncollectible, where the IRS puts you in their wrong debt category and leave you alone). If you’re not interested in negotiating, you may always wait until the IRS has ten years to collect the debt. An additional method for avoiding taxes is to file for bankruptcy.

You should be able to make the best choice possible if you are fully aware of your options, including an IRS compromise.

Why is the OIC acceptance rate so low?

Probably, many suggestions won’t even be considered at first. They could have enough income in the future or be able to use the equity in their current assets to pay off their tax bills before the statute of limitations expires. Unless there are mitigating circumstances, the Internal Revenue Service won’t discuss a settlement with someone who owes $20,000 in taxes but has a $50,000 retirement account.

Second, some people may find a settlement’s price prohibitive. Not all taxpayers have the financial means to accept the OIC offer.

Third, you must adhere to the regulations. Most folks won’t be eligible for an OIC until they’ve finished filing their taxes and paid all anticipated payments for the current year (if applicable). Employers shall have paid all federal tax payments for the current quarter. Additionally, taxpayers who are currently bankrupt are not eligible to submit an OIC. Looking for help with your OIC? Ideal Tax specializes in offer in compromise programs and may be able to help you settle your debt to a fraction of the cost.

Will owing taxes lower my credit score?

Because the IRS is a federal government division, measures are in place to stop having a tax obligation from harming your credit. Your credit score won’t be impacted if you prepare your tax return and discover that you owe more money than you thought. If you frequently skip payments, only then will your credit score decrease.

Your tax debt’s effect on your credit will vary greatly depending on the circumstances. Because of this, the IRS cannot harm your credit rating until it notifies the court of a Notice of Federal Tax Lien. But until the debt reaches a specific amount, the IRS won’t take any action. 

The government can take any of your things if it creates a tax lien on your property. You could find it more difficult to receive loans or credit in the future if your credit score declines.

It’s crucial to understand the difference between a lien and a levy. A levy implies the government has the legal authority to confiscate your property to collect the taxes you owe. A lien, on the other hand, only grants the government a claim against your property. Even if you maintain your home, the lien will make it more challenging to sell.

You will always be given plenty of warning before an unpaid tax payment hurts your credit score. You will get notifications of your debt and requests for compensation in the mail from the Internal Revenue Service. Your final opportunity to apologize and save your credit may be a payment demand letter from the IRS. You could decide to carry on with your monthly payments. It doesn’t matter if you are or not if the government considers a lien required to ensure the total amount of your tax bill.

Although the IRS is frequently helpful, it’s better to resolve tax problems as soon as possible to preserve your credit.