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Effective Ways to Grow Social Media Followers

How is everyone becoming an influencer or an entertainer overnight? How is everyone running home businesses and earning from social media? Why I am trying so hard but not getting followers? These are the most common questions that prompt in any social media content creator. But no one knows the answers and no one is ready to share them. But frankly, there are no such strategies. All you need is being smart in sharing your content and follow up latest follower trends of getting more followers.

Internet is already full with hundreds of tactics to build social media followers. My 5 effective ways to grow social media followers would help you:

  1. Get organic and real followers
  2. Prompt your home business 
  3. Effective for all social media platforms
  4. Get to know a reliable platform for buying followers 

Let’s! Walk you through precise 5 ways to build social media followers.


Your profile on any social media platform should be catchy. Here are some tips for that:

  1. Optimize through keywords and images.
  2. Don’t use default but be real. Showing who you are? , what you do?, and what is this account for?
  3. Use instagram bio to link for websites and trendy hashtages, on twitter use right @taggings, on Facebook add all your business info, your  “about “ section is your boost to followers plus use all features available to you to edit your profile.
  4. Use an attractive, professional clicked display picture or DP. Your display picture should go with you bio.
  5. Your recent posts should be your best posts. Don’t include junk in your recent feed.
  6. Add highlights with catchy thumbnails, if you run a business review highlights are your first priority.

You can edit your profile through following website

  • Dribble to Edit Profile designs, themes, templates.
  • PicMonkley a Profile Picture Maker that helps you Create Your Own Profile Picture Online
  • social media image maker-for both cover image and profile image editing

How to promote your profile?

You can promote your profile by:

  • sending it To the emails you send to anyone or the messages you send to other brands or just by commenting under the posts of other platform posts
  • sharing it on your own website-with as many hashtages as possible(more specifically your own hashtages)
  • mentioning it in your blog posts
  • Remind your email subscribers of your account and your profile.
  • Cross platform sharing of your account, profile or posts.

Regular posting is a tool to build relation with your followers. You might start a series of storytelling videos that could engage your followers. sometimes you should focus on keeping your target audience then getting bulky followers because a survey has shown that most of the users of instagram, Facebook and twitter tend to unfollow those account that share non-trendy, uninteresting and immense tweets or post in short, the lesson of discussion is be regular in posting but don’t lose your value.


Series of videos are great tool of engagement. If you have an interview, a podcast or even a short video with someone popular upload with their @mentions, this will get you over night “follow backs “from the account you have followed of these users. Videos and images are the perfect way to promote your content. Users are always curious about the person behind the content. Sharing your life could and your work management skills could help you lot in your struggles of getting followers. A survey has shown that images and videos shared on the instagram are 25% more engaging than non-video posts. Similarly on Facebook live videos are getting heaps of followers and on twitter people are more intrigued in watching non-textual content having specific graphics and imagery.

  • Tip for business accounts; to increase your product selling there is a pro tip for you. Ask your usual costumers to make a short review video and add to your stories (especially highlights). This show the trust your customers have on your products. 

Firstly, why am I discussing  platform  to buy follower. It is important for those whose growth on social media is struck on likes and views. Especially the ones who run a business brand through different platforms. So provides reliable rates to make growth and earn millions by spending few.


Now what does it mean by peak times. Research has shown that after lunch and in afternoon, people are more on social media. So try posting after 1:30pm to midnight, these are the best times to build views. Google analytic custom report provides you the best times for your own audiences to approach your followers.

However, being available every day at the same time is quite strenuous. To ease the process and make it more automated and stress-free, you can use scheduling tools that are specifically created for that purpose. Scheduling tools have many advantages that can be used to the fullest benefit. It allows prioritization of tasks and helps to free your time. Nowadays, there many good social media management tools, such as Tweetdeck, Post Planner, Hypefury, however, they all differ from each other offering various features. If you’re looking to take your Twitter game to another level, Hypefury is the right choice. This tweeter scheduler will help you get your engagement numbers up and will save you time as it is designed in a way that makes scheduling easy and fast.


To boost your follower count on any social media platform, be it instagram, Facebook, tiktok,   twitter, pinterest etc. A mere @mention or tagging an influencer a day won’t help you in any which way. You need a plan to grow followers. Millions of followers are not an accident but hard work. You should follow the famous influencers and post there content into your content to get “follow backs”. You should be a good follower to get followed, find your niche and follow legitimate accounts according to your niche. In this way; you might follow your competitors of your niche. Follow the influencers with positive follow-to-following ratio, that is, they are followed by many but they follow few.

How to find influencers? Firstly, if want to be among higher followed account on social media, you should know the famous influencers in your town. But in case you don’t know BUZZSUMO is a great resource to find renowned influencers in town. FOLLOWERWONK, MANAGEFLITTER, and AUDIENSE [formerly SOCIALBRO], helps you find famous twitter accounts.


When making an account you will always be hearing a mature content creator saying” that follower count is just numbers “but at the end there numbers are what makes your content worthy. A follower would glance at your follower count before pressing the follow icon. A sensible advice would be “don’t lose the quality of your content with the growing numbers”. Followers are your healthy stats that improve the perception of your account. I hope prove effective for you.