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Employers Reveal Their Craziest Termination Stories

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It’s a big trouble when you’re responsible for hiring (and eventually firing) employees for jobs.

When you mix people and throw them into the powder keg, which is the typical workplace, you’re bound to come up with some interesting stories.

In this article, the CEOs and HRs posted their most bizarre stories of job termination.

  1. What is it that you can lie about?

“We have had a 20 or so teenager lie about his 3-year-old son being dead within a week or two following the time we took him on as a. It is believed that the child fell down a flight of stairs, struck his head, and was one week later, he died. He was off work to attend doctor appointments and then funerals and funerals. He cried and balled his eyes a few times, which is understandable following the loss of his son.

Our office manager wasn’t convinced by the idea, despite. After much digging, she couldn’t find a death certificate and no obituary. She also couldn’t find a funeral house in the area to offer flowers. She did find the boy’s doctor, but they also called his mom and confirmed that the boy was fine. We questioned him, and He declared he was an addiction and detoxing. This really shook up the entire shop since many of us have children, and the man was living every parent’s nightmare.”

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  1. It’s just plain insane

“Was required to employ the most insane person due to an unpopular policy. If anyone was being laid off elsewhere, you were required to hire them. The interview was even a failure. The correct solution to “how to calm down an irate customer” isn’t “berate them publicly because that calms people down.”

I appeared like a fool to the staff because, of course, I had to make it appear as if it was a good choice since a: it’s not fair to judge people based on their appearance and b ) in the final paperwork for firing I’m sure that I didn’t commit any wrongdoing.

The highlights of the person’s bizarre statement: She said, “Hmph, I don’t have to listen to you” to an employee who was training her on the first day. The UPS driver and repair technicians for the copy machine (lovely, gentle individuals) at my desk with red faces told me they would not return to her working at reception. They refused to allow legitimate customers in the office but took people to the back cashier’s space after working hours. She followed my boss home by public transportation. She failed to complete a filing assignment with an error rate of 50. Every day, I heard someone in my office telling me they had heard her say something rude or strange to them.

Then, they said that I was insane because I would listen to their complaints. And then tell them that I expected everyone to behave professionally and that there shouldn’t be reprisal.

Her excuse for one exchange was, “She’s from a different island in the Philippines.” Me (inwardly eyeing her), “Well, here at this office, we treat everyone with respect and professionalism no matter the differences in gender, race, ethnicity, country of origin, or island in the Philippines.”

HR kept her for four months before we decided to fire her.”

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  1. Security!

“I was employed by a retail chain at their corporate headquarters many years back. There was an employee who appeared to be a dream on paper, and she aced her interview. We all congratulated our backs on the amazing job this was.

Her first venture together was a trip to the US with me to visit our distribution centers located in our distribution centers in the Northeast US. We traveled there and had a blast. Everything was fine. After a couple of days of travel, we returned to the desk. We decided to prepare our reports from the first three locations we visited, and she would write the remaining three—simple and easy work allocation.

A couple of days passed, and our department director inquired about where my work had been. I replied that I had done my part and that they were all in the system, she was responsible for the other part. A few more days passed, and I had another question. I inquired with her about it repeatedly and received “I’m working on it, have it in tomorrow” each time.

It appears that she’s never even used Excel as it was a basic and straightforward spreadsheet with no functions, tricks, or anything else – and tried to hide it. Every night, she would inform our director that she was a failure in her job and that she should be fired. He tried to convince her. After almost two weeks of all this, she finally spoke the words that could be worked on: “I should just quit.”

His swift answer to him was, “I accept your resignation effective immediately,” and she resigned. She returned the following day as if nothing had occurred, and when she came across her, he asked, “What is this you’re doing there? You resigned last night, and I accepted it.” The woman tried to change her mind, but she was done. He told her to go. She resisted. Then, he had to notify security. They handcuffed her to her desk chair, rolled her into the elevator, and then rolled her away from the office. This was the last time we heard about her.”

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