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Fox News Channel’s Alan Colmes Dies at 66

Former Co-Host of 'Hannity & Colmes' Loses His Battle to Cancer

Fox News Channel’s Alan Colmes has passed away at age 66 after a brief illness. Fox News reported on Colmes’ death yesterday morning with a segment narrated by Sean Hannity, who paired with Colmes for years on the talk show “Hannity & Colmes” from 1996 to 2009. Colmes was the liberal and played against Hannity, a stalwart conservative. The team split up when Hannity went solo on FNC. Colmes had been doing a radio show on Fox News Radio until last month, when he took a leave of absence.

Colmes, who is now the second Fox News personality death in less than a week, mentioned on his website in late January that he would be occasionally missing his show to “deal with a medical issue.” Brenda Buttner, a senior business correspondent and host of “Bulls & Bears” on Fox News Channel, lost her battle with cancel just this past Monday.