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Get the 15 Rules for Crafting the Logos

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Does your current logo do a good job of building your brand and representing all the dimensions of your product or service? Usually speaking, your logo is the first thing prospective customers see and learn about your brand/business. So, it is equally important to design a logo that is both memorable and different from countless other logos we all encounter in the course of our daily lives. If you plan to upgrade your existing logo and create a new one from scratch, keep all such proven design principles in mind.

1). Simple yet creative – Always remember the rule – KISS (keep it simple silly). Logos that are full of colors with no logic behind them always create bad impressions. Hence, it is of utmost importance to keep the design simple yet creative. Numerous elements can make the logo design complex; so, it is advisable to use elements subtly and that is why Designhill is the best choice. It is also vital that a logo is artistically appealing. The presentation of a logo is of utmost importance. The skill of the skilled logo designer comes into play. Using the elements in a way that the logo is simple yet artistically beautiful creates the winning design.

2). Business philosophy – Since the logo offers the brand identity, hence it is equally important to incorporate business philosophy & values into the logo design. A good logo needs to include the brand & marketing message the brand wants to convey to its customers.

3). Think about the message you want to convey – Look back to your business mission statement for a concise depiction of your business. Start thinking about the ways to transform the written message into a single & vivid image.

4). Do a thorough ‘industry logo analysis’ – Different types of brands/industries feature several graphic design trends. Logos in some fields might hire gaudy colors & oversized types, while other more traditional industries favor the buttoned-down approach. You are not obliged to follow trends in your field, but you have to be aware of them.

5). Simple is best – Your logo design must represent your brand in a single image. The more you try to embrace this image, the harder it will be for customers to recognize & remember your brand. Think of the top brands: Nike’s Swoosh, Twitter’s giant bird, and Apple’s apple. Each of the logos does an excellent job of describing the business they represent-& all without using a single word.

6). Limit or avoid unusual logo design elements – With all graphic elements available today, you may be tempted to add a drop shadow here, or the wavy line there. But, these and other graphic design elements only serve to clutter the guiding idea behind the logo & make it harder for forthcoming clienteles to retain in the visual memory.

7). Go easy on colors – Yet again, less is more brilliant. Think about what types of colors best symbolize your brand/business. Muted? Bold? Earth tones? Whatever your favorite, choose no more 2-4 colors at most for your final design.

8). Make your logo easy to reproduce – Logos need to work anywhere with a reliable quality-your website, your business card, or your sign on the neighbor’s front lawn. The design has to look good whether it is big or small, & must be easy to reproduce all across the spectrum of your online & offline marketing resources.

9). If you use words, make sure they are easy to read – As noted, most effective logos don’t use any copy. But, if you want to integrate the name of your business with the image and stay away from excessively ornate fonts & any fonts which are difficult to read at a glance.

10). Establish (adhere to) specific brand guidelines – Preferably, your business/brand already has a ‘brand style guide’ that outlines what’s permissible & what’s not about your logo & related marketing resources. If you do not have guidelines, it is a good idea to put this together before introducing your new logo. That way, individuals inside the company know the rules when creating web & print content, & individuals outside the company understand the needs involved in reproducing the image elsewhere.

11). Memorable – Stylish, elegant, and creative logos are always impressive. Numerous logos look plain & simple, but they are the big brands of the world. Thus, a well-designed Logo design always generates brand recall with your target audience.

12). Utility – A logo is used in numerous mediums. Since it is the brand’s individuality, the logo is used on business websites, stationery, brochures, and other promotional material. Though, numerous variations of logos are used on several mediums. A skilled professional graphic designer creates a logo with its variations so that the business owner gets to see its usability. Usually, a logo is created in full colors along with the reverse option of Black & White. Hence, the graphical elements must be useful to be used in numerous mediums. A logo should also be compact enough to be resized without cooperating its artistic value.

13). Eternal – A good logo design withstands for a long time. It might need minor changes to keep it fresh & prevent it from being old-fashioned. You do not need to change your logo when it already has relations created with your target audience.

14). Keep it readable – Always prefer to use regular fonts. However, the fancy logo fonts look well, but it is not specialized for commercial reproduction & reprint of your logo. Even it would be much easier if you use diverse printers than the one that printed your logo when it was designed. Don’t use more than two fonts, too many fonts result in a loss of consistency. Using two diverse fonts would be a good combination to create contrast and catch the eye.

15). Work with vectors – Work with vectors because vector illustrations can be resized without any loss of clarity & image quality. A well-drawn and vector-based logo with clean and crisp lines & limited colors is always more effective than others. Of late, new capabilities in vector-based programs are capable of offering you the illusion of the 3D effect without losing contrast and using tricks, including the canter effect.

We cannot overestimate the power of a logo. It bears a unique relationship to your brand & should be crafted with all the skills & resources available. Designhill offers you an attractive & effective logo for your brand. They have skilled designers for designing professional logos.