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Hillary Clinton Interviews to Be Murphy Brown’s New Secretary in the Rebooted Sitcom Premiere

The running gag on the award-winning hit 1988-1998 sitcom “Murphy Brown” was that star reporter Murphy Brown (Candice Bergen) had a new executive assistant every episode.

When the show returned to CBS on Sep. 27, the gag continued as Brown met a new secretarial candidate: “Hilary” Clinton (who made it clear she spelled her first name with one “L”, not two.)

During the interview, Clinton told Brown she had been a “secretary of a very large organization” (in reference to once being Secretary of Defense), believed that with teamwork “it takes a village” (in reference to her best-selling book from the 90’s) and that to reach her by e-mail, her address is [email protected] (referencing her failed 2016 presidential candidacy).

Watch this highlight of the “Murphy Brown” reboot’s premiere: