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How Behavior Therapy Can Help You Change

You may have heard of behavior therapy. It’s a type of mental health treatment where you address problematic actions. Perhaps you would like to work on your substance-abuse issue. If you want to stop drinking or using substances, behavior therapy can be a great place to start. Maybe you want to deal with problematic negative thinking. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a place where you discuss your negative thought patterns and work through them with a trained mental health professional. Changing how you view your thoughts can be hard. You might want to modify things in your life, but perhaps you are afraid. That fear is natural, but you can work through it and make changes for the better. Behavior therapy can help you. 

Why am I afraid to change?

There may be aspects of your life that you’re unhappy with, but you’re afraid to change them. That might sound like a contradiction because it is. You want to be less depressed, but you don’t know what that will feel like, and as a result of that, you’re afraid to change; the unknown can be scary. You might not know what it’s like to live without depressed thoughts, but understand that feeling anxious about change is natural. You won’t become an entirely new person just because you have fewer negative thoughts; you are still you. If you’re worried about change, you can discuss these issues with your behavior therapist, such as your anxiety surrounding it.

Change is scary, but it can be a good thing

Life is full of changes, and some of them are drastic. Sometimes people pass away, you break up with a significant other, or get divorced. Then, there are changes that we make within ourselves. Changing your personality is impossible because you are fundamentally who you are, however. However, you can change behaviors that are not serving you. For example, let’s say that you have a problem with impulsivity and you cannot stop compulsively spending money. That’s a behavior that you want to change, but you’re afraid to do that because you don’t know how your life would be without blowing your finances. However, if you stop compulsively spending money, you’ll feel better about yourself, and you’ll have more wealth to enjoy life. You’re afraid of change, but in this case, change is a good thing. Despite your fear, it’s important to embrace healthy ways you can change.

Behavior therapy can help you embrace change

You may be fearful of changing your behavior. That’s a natural feeling, and this is something you can discuss with your behavior therapist. Remember that therapists are experts on human emotions. They understand the anxiety surrounding changing. You’re not going to turn into an entirely different person. You’re releasing behaviors that don’t help you in your life. One thing you can do is talk about the pros and cons of these actions in therapy. You can discuss what benefits you from your behaviors. There’s a reason you keep engaging in self-destructive actions because there’s something in it for you. Once you understand why you’re behaving this way, then you can begin to let go of these patterns. A therapist can help you figure these issues out, and you can start working toward positive changes in your life.

Start changing your actions now

You have the power to change your life, and it begins with seeking a therapist. Consider seeing an online therapist at BetterHelp. Many of the counselors have a comprehensive understanding of behavior therapy. You might try cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or another sort of behavioral counseling. You can find a therapist who will help you change your life so that you can feel fulfilled and happy. Try not to be afraid of change, but rather understand that with the unknown can come good things.

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.