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How MAGFAST Is Bringing Elegance Back to Charging

In 2019, most people have a slew of devices that keep their lives moving. Smartphones, for example, are now relied on by billions to keep businesses moving, families functioning, and boredom at bay, whether in the car, on the subway, in the air, or even simply in line at the grocery store. However, people also rely on smart watches, personal health trackers, laptop computers that need to be ready to work for an entire day without access to an AC outlet, video game consoles like the Nintendo Switch, e-readers, high-end digital cameras, tablets such as the iPad or Surface, and even musical instruments. This doesn’t include the countless other items such as hot plates, reading lights, and cooking gadgets.

As time goes on, more and more of these batteries are charged via some form of USB – and, over the long term, this is both a major convenience for consumers and a huge problem.

Why is it a problem, you ask?

There are now countless types of USB connectors. They seem to have an infinite number of names, nearly identical (yet incompatible) connectors, and other variables that may stop you from successfully plugging in and charging a device. To name just a few, there’s USB-A (the USB port we’ve known for the last 20 years as USB 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0), Mini-USB, Micro-USB, USB-B, and the increasingly-ubiquitous USB-C. There’s also a number of ubiquitous proprietary connectors across the electronics industry, such as Apple’s ADC, Lightning, and Thunderbolt.

Many of these connectors look identical but are incompatible with each other. They often rely on different standards to move power and data and can even be dangerous when misused. For example, certain USB Type C connectors appear safe to use but have destroyed the charging circuitry in MacBook Pro computers and Nintendo Switch game consoles. Many devices can also only be powered by one of these connectors and only output power provided by another, which can require carrying unsightly adapters and dongles, all of which are easy to lose, to keep your devices charged.

Furthermore, many chargers carry current at different amperages, are unreliable, lack the number of ports that you actually need to keep all of your devices’ batteries full, and have the potential to overcharge your batteries. This can lead to your devices charging less efficiently, requiring battery replacement in a matter of months or years, and having their batteries swell up, which can deform the shape of your device or even lead to highly dangerous chemical fires, as shown in countless videos of devices self-destructing under unsafe circumstances. Even if you don’t experience this worst case scenario, using cheap chargers will likely shorten the lifespan of your devices – and no one wants to spend more than necessary on the hardware we need for work, school, and life in general.

If your household is anything like the average, you have around 13 wireless devices in your pockets, on your bedside tables, in your kitchen, sitting near your TV, and gathering dust in drawers because it’s too much of a hassle to keep them charged. Your home likely has too many chargers clogging the outlets, unnecessarily draining power and raising your electric bill, and an abundance of tangled cables that will shred, fray, and need to be replaced over time.

When you’re on the go, you probably feel like it’s necessary to bring a portable charger with you, which is just a bigger battery in a heavy, brick-like enclosure. Those portable chargers also rarely fit well with the cases of common smartphones, meaning that you’ll likely need to take your phone out of its case – and risk damage to the ports and screen (which can cost hundreds of dollars to replace) – just to ensure that it stays charged.

Wireless charging should be solving these problems, but innovation on such a massive scale has proven far tougher for even major corporations. Apple was unable to successfully launch its AirPower charging device, which was announced in 2017 and canceled 18 months later, due to the company’s inability to get the device to safely charge multiple Apple products simultaneously. Other wireless charging devices on the market still need to be plugged in 99 percent of the time, and many wireless solutions are slow, leaving you with an unfinished, half-charged device.

To make matters worse, when all of these devices fail, they become additional e-waste in the world, often disposed of in an unsafe, unsanitary matter. This poisons our environment, leads to chemicals draining into our soil and water, and may lead to untold consequences years or decades down the line. While some people have the privilege of taking their e-waste to a specialized processing or recycling center, this isn’t common in many parts of the world – and likely won’t be anytime soon.

Fortunately, just because Apple has yet to master the art of wireless charging doesn’t mean that solving these problems is impossible.

Meet MAGFAST – a team of innovators based in New York that builds incredible products all over the world. The MAGFAST team, led by innovator Seymour Segnit, is on a mission to transform charging from a necessary evil into a simple, elegant, luxurious experience. The MAGFAST team envisions a world free of cables that look like rats’ nests. The company is building a universe where wireless charging actually works (and is actually wireless) and is working hard to ensure that one day soon, clunky bricks, bad power management, and inefficiencies will be relics of the past.

Unlike the countless other chargers on the market, MAGFAST is built to provide uniform functionality and clean design across an entire line of products designed to meet your unique needs as a consumer and user of mobile devices.

This starts by answering a tough question that should be simple: what does a good charging device look and feel like? MAGFAST has answered this question by creating a line of products built to snap magnetically together, allowing for fast, easy, and secure wireless charging across all of your devices, as well as swappable built-in cables that can be stowed when you’re not using them, reducing the risk of damage and eliminating the need for adapters. Built via injection molding by P3 International, a company with decades of experience helping launch massive electronic devices, MAGFAST has truly turned its powerful concepts into industry-shifting execution.

The company has taken this innovation even further by adding patent-pending LEDelicious technology to each MAGFAST device, which shows you how much charge is in each of your devices without having to look at anything but the charger itself.

MAGFAST’s extraordinary magnetic charging system allows for every device in the product line to be easily connected for fast charging. When its battery gets low, connect your MAGFAST Life (an everyday purse or pocket charger) or MAGFAST Time (a power bank with a special pop-out charging dock designed to keep your Apple Watch charged) to your MAGFAST Road (an adapter that plugs into your cigarette lighter and provides wired and wireless charging, USB connectivity, and a built-in flashlight in the event of emergencies) or MAGFAST Wall (a device that simply attaches to existing wall power outlets to add wireless charging, USB connectivity, and full surge protection), and they will charge wirelessly at high speed, powered by high-quality circuits that are both fast and safe.

The terms “power-in” and “power-out” might sound like industry jargon, but they matter far more than you might think. Power-in refers to how you can charge your MAGFAST products, while power-out refers to all of the ways that you can use your MAGFAST products to charge the devices that truly need power. And unlike other chargers, MAGFAST gives you the option to power-in via other MAGFAST devices, Qi wireless, USB-C, or MicroUSB and provides power-out via MAGFAST, Qi wireless, USB-C, USB-A, or the built-in cable. In fact, MAGFAST Extreme includes a set of jumper cables, giving you the power to jump-start a car if you ever need to.

Now that we’ve introduced this revolutionary product line, let’s take a moment to get to know the MAGFAST device family.

First up is MAGFAST Life: a versatile, portable device charger that fits comfortably in your coat pocket, purse, or bag. Far more visually pleasing than typical chargers, MAGFAST Life gives users four ways to get power in, as well as five ways to get power out, making it easy to charge your cell phone, tablet, or e-reader whenever you’re on the go. The discrete, built-in cable snaps magnetically into place when you aren’t using it, ensuring that you won’t lose or damage it.

Next, there’s MAGFAST Wall: an “invisible outlet” charger that has already sold hundreds of thousands of units. MAGFAT Wall simply slides over any wall outlet, turning it into a discreet, powerful charging solution while freeing up your outlets to power other items. It’s also a hub for your other MAGFAST devices, which can snap on top of or underneath Wall for fast, easy magnetic charging. Now featuring double power, direct support for USB-C, and surge protection built into the device, Wall has the power to charge your devices for years to come.

MAGFAST Road is the easiest-to-use car charger ever made – which is a great thing now that traffic is getting worse in many major cities. MAGFAST Road doesn’t just turn your car’s cigarette lighter into multiple USB ports, a Qi Wireless charger for anyone who needs power, and a charger for your other MAGFAST devices, including Life; it also includes a high-powered flashlight, something every traveler needs in the event of an emergency.

MAGFAST Air is a Qi Wireless charging stand with a supplementary USB charger built in for anyone who needs it. Simply place any mobile device that supports wireless charging on the stand to get power, and place it on top of a MAGFAST Wall unit if needed to get your charge even faster. If you need Air’s wireless power on the go, simply snap your MAGFAST Air onto your Life, Extreme, or Road unit.

MAGFAST Time is a charger built especially for wearables. With the power to charge an Apple Watch for up to two weeks, its pop-out wireless charging stand can sit comfortably on either your bedside table or the wall.

The newest addition to the MAGFAST product line, MAGFAST Life Extreme, is a massive battery. Containing all of the features of MAGFAST Life and a 27,000 mAh battery, you can recharge your smartphone in full up to 12 times. You can also draw power directly from the battery to power larger devices, such as laptop computers, via a 12V DC outlet, and even use Life Extreme to jump-start your car’s battery. You’ll never run out of power again and are all but guaranteed to amaze your family and friends when their car won’t start and you swoop in and save the day using what they might think is just an ordinary smartphone charger.

If you’re not sure what you need or are certain that you absolutely need a complete collection of MAGFAST devices for your home, office, and car, you can choose the MAGFAST Family Pro Kit, which contains two MAGFAST Wall SP2X units, one MAGFAST Life, one MAGFAST Life Extreme, one MAGFAST Road, and one MAGFAST Air, in addition to Lightning and Micro-USB cables and MAGFAST Wall adapter tips, ensuring that you’ll be able to connect your devices via USB-C, Lightning, or Micro-USB when needed.

All of this means that you now have the power to keep your devices charged. Your outlets will look better than ever at home, your devices that support charging via Qi Wireless will finally have the dedicated, high-quality charger they’ve been screaming for since the day you took them out of the box, and you’ll need two less things in your car when building out your emergency roadside survival kit.

If you do know exactly what you want, you can choose the individual MAGFAST devices and accessories for your lifestyle and never deal with bulky, ugly batteries or messy piles of cables ever again.

To make things even better, the MAGFAST team is continuing to develop and innovate. For example, the MAGFAST Life device now features a smooth, symmetrical, even more eye-catching design. Though this couldn’t be achieved previously due to the size of USB-C cables, new technology has made it possible to produce a smaller cable that’s just as effective. These small wins are adding up to major changes over time, giving this tired, cluttered industry the kick that it needs.

When it comes to making a difference and helping the world to become a better place, the MAGFAST team has thought it through carefully. By structuring MAGFAST as a benefit corporation, the company has pledged one percent of its expenditure to help improve the world. The company has planted one tree for every charger it’s sold and seven for every purchase of a MAGFAST Pro Kit, amounting to well over 33,000 trees already.

MAGFAST is a small, lean, and highly efficient organization with staff all over the world. Founder and CEO Segnit is leading the charge (no pun intended) and bringing his unique energy to the world of personal device chargers.

Before launching MAGFAST, Segnit served as an executive at both Saatchi & Saatchi and Ogilvy & Mather, was an on-air personality at London’s Capital FM, and worked at one of South Africa’s largest communications firms, where he oversaw Virgin Atlantic’s campaign announcing flights from London to Johannsburg – an event described by Sir Richard Branson as “the greatest product launch [he] had ever seen.” Segnit then moved to the United States in 1997 to launch the first of a series of multi-million-dollar startups, worked as a trainer, helped people make their websites faster at SPEEDILICIOUS, and helped them conquer their fears at another company called Change That’s Right Now. He has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through some of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns in history.

Through his experiences, in-depth studies of the greatest product launches in history, and superior products, he and the rest of the MAGFAST team are in the process of changing charging forever. And they look forward to proving it to you with the biggest development in the history of mobile devices since the smartphone itself.

Learn more about MAGFAST products here: