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How Modern Technology Improves Students Essay Writing Process

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The essay writing process troubles many students in colleges and universities. Writing an excellent essay can be challenging for the students, especially if they do not understand the complete process. Universal literacy is mainly driven by the invention of writing, research, printing, and more.

Modern technologies are not only relevant in businesses but also in students’ lives and can improve essay writing in the following ways.

Enhances communication and feedback

The digital age is referred to as the “information age” because modern technology improves communication. Modern technology allows students to send and receive messages on a real-time basis. They can communicate with their fellow students or professors for tips and guidance. 

Depending on the guidelines given, students can send draft essays for feedback, make the necessary changes and submit the final documents conveniently. Instant feedback is key to a successful essay writing process.

An essay writer can be more sensitive to time when it comes to offering services. They require students to specify deadlines when ordering the essays and are always keen to keep time. Modern communication technologies include emails, videos, and instant messaging apps. Essay writers are well-versed with these technologies. 

The communication tools are quite relevant today because many people are working from home and some academic courses are conducted online. Many students are receiving the learning materials that can guide them in essay writing online as classes have gone virtual. 

Makes research easier

Earlier days were more about time-consuming and tedious researching and slow essay writing processes due to a lack of digital resources. Students were required to go to the library to check for relevant books manually. The quality of research could be hampered because books do not have hyperlinks. 

Modern technology has helped to overcome all these challenges. Internet is an “ocean” of information that can enrich students’ research, and most importantly, it is economical. Essay writing services have become popular, with many students buying essays online. These ten companies that write academic papers, for instance, use advanced plagiarism checkers to make sure that every scholarship essay they produce is original. Originality is something that you have to be sure of, especially if your scholarship is at stake. Whereas the internet is a rich source of information, filtering the information based on its relevance remains a challenge to many students.

Additionally, some students have many responsibilities, such as jobs and families, that may hinder them from completing their essays. These are the reasons why some of them contact essay writing service for essay help. The students can have time to spend with their loved ones or continue with part-time jobs if they are working. 


No human being can achieve their goals without support and advice, no matter how self-reliant they are. Before the information age, support network was limited to family, friends, teachers, and mentors. Modern technology can facilitate access to tips and advice from various experts worldwide. 

Students wishing to learn how to write an essay can do so through different available sites. They can search for videos on grammar and even access essay writer service online. 

Writing websites allow students to order any kind of essay by completing forms, giving instructions, and making the necessary payment. A writing expert will always seek help by setting their ego aside to complete the tasks. Modern technologies and apps can enable writers to communicate with their students about the progress of work. Thus, help extends beyond people who are closely related.  

Improves quality of writing

Students may enjoy writing essays but such essays may not make sense to the readers until they are proofread and edited. It is easy for grammatical and spelling mistakes to go unnoticed. Before the emergence of modern technologies, students were required to hire qualified editors to edit the essays. 

Technology has evolved such that all that the students need to do is to download an app on their laptops or smartphones. Some available apps can scan text for errors, highlight mistakes, and give suggestions for corrections. Some of these apps are free and, therefore, can be used on students’ budgets. Some paper writing service providers invest in premium apps that check the document’s tone and give more advanced suggestions. 

In addition to the writing and editing apps, others provide information on subjects such as math, history, science, technology, and so on. Essay writing service providers invest in such apps to ensure that clients get the best essays. 

Whether paid or free, the apps add value to students’ essays. The IT has taken care of the students who desire more knowledge via special planning apps that can remind them of what they need to do at any one time. The best essay writing service in the market makes proper use of these apps to track students’ work and ensure timely completion of the essays. 

Essay organization

The essay writing process is not complete until the essay is well-organized. When a student is assigned an essay, they need to start searching for information online. The search engine will enable the student to save time they could otherwise have spent going to the library.

With modern technology, all the information collected can be processed easily and conveniently. The student will need to compile the essay and check it for plagiarism and grammatical errors.

 Modern technology systems enable students to develop citations and reference lists fast. Instead of spending, say, a week to write a short thesis, they can even do it within a day or two. 


Modern technology simplifies the students’ essay writing process by enhancing communication and making research work easier. It also allows the research participants to network, improve the writing quality, and enables students to organize their work. As such, it makes essay writing cheaper and faster whether the students are writing on their own or seeking writing help.