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How Social Media Can Increase Your Conversion Rate

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Of all the sales and digital marketing metrics, conversion rate is arguably the most important. While it’s great to have tons of engagement and traffic to your website, none of it is going to do your business much good unless you are able to actually convert those visitors into paying customers.

It is well documented how social media can be used to grow your audience and promote brand awareness. The topic that we will address in this article, though, is how to use social media in order to increase your conversion rate and convince more members of your audience to hand over their hard-earned money.

Social Media PPC Campaigns

One of the simplest and most straightforward ways to utilize social media as a means of increasing your conversion rate is to run PPC campaigns that link back to well-polished and compelling landing pages. The most powerful benefit of advertising on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram is the fact that these platforms enable you to create ads that are incredibly targeted. Want to target your ads to 20-30 year old female dancing enthusiasts who live in Denver, Colorado? With social media ad campaigns, this can be done in just a few clicks. By enabling you to create ads that are specifically targeted to your ideal customers, social media ad campaigns tend to have much higher conversion rates than ads that are sent out to much less specific audiences. You can also make use of Instagram insights and other such analytics tools to get an idea about what resonates with your target audience.

Make Use of Video Content

In recent years, video-centric posts and ads have become one of the most popular forms of marketing material among companies in all industries. The reason for this is simple; most people on social media prefer videos or other visual content to reading large chunks of written text.

There are several ways to capitalize on video content as a means of increasing your conversion rate. Creating a sales video that highlights your product and its key selling points is one great option. Making use of live streaming is another excellent way to create video content in a manner that is much simpler and more affordable than creating a professional video.

Product Education Initiatives

Educating customers on your product and the benefits that it provides is often one of the most important objectives when it comes to improving your conversion rate. This is especially true for outside-the-box or more complex products that the average person might not be able to understand at a glance. Thankfully, social media is an excellent tool for promoting product education.

Creating explainer videos that highlight your product’s key features and show it in action then sharing those videos with your social media audience is one proven method for educating potential customers on why they need your product in their lives. Knowing how to make an infographic that will explain the key benefits of your product can be very helpful as well.

By using social media as a tool for product education, you can increase awareness regarding your products and the benefits that they provide. When people fully understand the product that they are viewing, the odds that they decide to purchase it are much higher.

However, you can properly educate your readers and improve conversions only with content that is perfectly unique as well as well-written and helpful. Those who struggle to create such content reach out to SupremeDissertations or other writing services that work in their respective niches and can provide exactly the content they need.


Create Compelling Calls to Action

Not every social media post should include a call to action, as social media is not really the place for high-pressure sales tactics if you want to keep your audience interested and engaged. However, a few compelling calls to action sprinkled throughout your social media posts can certainly go a long way toward improving your conversion rate.

So what makes a call to action compelling? You can’t simply scream “buy our product!” at the end of your posts and expect great results. Instead, subtlety and creativity are the keys when it comes to creating effective calls to action. You want to create calls to action that will pique your audience’s curiosity and subtly encourage them to take the next step in your sales funnel. Leveraging the “fear of missing out” is one effective way to create calls to action that will encourage engagement. Calls to action that include mentions of a deadline or limited availability, for example, tend to be more effective than those that don’t. Clever or creative calls to action that are designed to promote curiosity are also highly effective.

You can probably guess that poorly-written content will not have the marketing effect you seek

Which is why if you want good results you should pay attention to the quality of your texts.

Effective and engaging texts are usually something many people order. TrustMyPaper or other outside services can help you with the different types of writing you need. Research good marketing content creators who can make your content truly appealing to your readers, and will know how to properly leverage calls to action.


The takeaway, though, is that calls to action work when they are done correctly. By creating effective calls to action and using them at timely opportunities in social posts, you can gently nudge your audience along your sales funnel and increase your conversion rate.

Leverage User-Generated Content to Create Social Proof

Content promoting a product that comes from a customer is often magnitudes more impactful than content that comes from the company that is selling that product. It isn’t hard to understand why someone would be much more influenced by positive words coming from a company’s customers than positive words coming from the company itself. Companies are always going to promote their product in the most positive light possible; a promotion from a customer, however, is sure to be seen as way more trustworthy.

Anytime you have the opportunity to share a customer review, a photo of a customer using your product, or any other kind of user-generated content regarding your brand and its products, you should certainly take advantage. Sharing user-generated content with your social media audience is the simplest and most effective way to generate social proof for your products – and generating social proof can be a highly effective means of increasing your conversion rate.

Final Thoughts

It’s always important to go where your customers are, and we can almost guarantee that your customers are spending a good deal of time on social media. While it is certainly essential to focus on growing your social media audience, knowing how to use social media as a tool of creating conversion is a vital part of generating value from the audience you build. By following the tips outlined above, you can start leveraging social media as a tool for customer conversion and turn more of your social media audience members into paying customers.