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How the Gaming Marketplace Became a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry

In recent years, the gaming industry has completely changed. Initially, games were very laggy with low frame rates and graphics quality. But, now one can play games even in virtual reality which makes them feel surrounded by real enemies. 

Changes in the online gaming industry have promoted the sale of in-game items. Now, you will find almost every gamer spending real money to buy the in-game items listed on igitems. Buying these items allows the player to get an edge over the opponent. Every gamer should know the factors that contributed to making the gaming marketplace a billion-dollar industry. 

Rise Of Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming has played a significant role in the explosion of the gaming industry. According to the research, more than 6 billion people in the world own a smartphone, which has forced game developers to make their games more mobile-friendly. Many gaming companies have launched their mobile game versions which has made gaming accessible than ever. 

Some popular mobile games like Candy Crush have attracted millions of players and generated substantial revenue through microtransactions and in-app purchases. This way, the convenience of mobile gaming has played a vital role in achieving the multi-billion status. 

Online Multiplayer

The introduction of online multiplayer games has completely changed the way people used to interact with games. Such games have created massive online communities where players can compete against each other. In multiplayer games, players can even collaborate with friends to compete with other players worldwide in real time. 

These games come with a wide in-game marketplace, where a player can buy multiple equipment and weapons in exchange for real money. Buying such items allows them to distinguish their character from others. 


The revenue model of the gaming marketplace majorly depends on microtransactions and in-game purchases. Games that are free to play often make money by selling the in-game items to the players and these games sell many small-in game items that contribute significantly to their revenue. 

This model of revenue has had huge success in mobile gaming and contributed significantly to the multi-billion status. While microtransactions have sparked controversy over issues like pay-to-winmechanics, they remain a highly profitable aspect of the gaming industry.


Everyone knows that the gaming marketplaces are truly global. The games are being developed and published in almost every corner of the world. Globalization has allowed the gaming companies to step into the new markets. This global reach has not only increased the revenue of the industry but has also led to cultural changes.