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How to Know Our Motherboard Model Within Seconds

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It’s not always easy to remember our motherboard model. Strange names, numbers, chip models; however, to find the latest drivers and check the compatibility of our hardware components, it is essential to know the correct model name of our motherboard.

Fortunately, these simple tricks make it easy to check your motherboard’s model number. Absolutely, without opening the PC.

Learn the name, number and model of the motherboard in Windows

From CMD (also works from power shell)

The fastest and easiest way to find out the model of our motherboard in Windows is through CMD (command prompt or command prompt).

To open CMD, we press Windows + R keys simultaneously, type CMD and press Enter. Next, we copy and paste the following command in the Command Prompt window and press Enter.

Get WMIC Baseboard Product, Manufacturer, Version, Serial Number

Next, we will see the result of the Command that indicates:

Manufacturer: Manufacturer’s Brand.

Product: Motherboard or motherboard model.

Serial Number – Individual Motherboard Serial Number.

Version: Version number Hardware components usually do not have a version number. This is the maximum application on the software.

These commands also work with PowerShell.

Learn the name, number and model of the motherboard in Linux

From the Terminal

We first need to open the window with the Terminal you like the most, for which you can press Ctrl + Alt + T or by clicking on the Applications menu, System Tools and then on Terminal. Now, we will type the following command and press Enter.

sudo dmidecode | grep -A3′ ^ system information’

Note that as a sudo command, you will need to use it with the user’s advanced user permission.

If you want more information, you can try the Command:

sudo dmidecode -t baseboard

It will provide you with a lot of information in a very comfortable format, which helps solve problems…

If you are a pro gamer then must check the Best Motherboard for Ryzen 5 3600x which I have written on Blogs hour Website

How to update MSI board BIOS?

Updating the BIOS can bring us some benefits, such as improving stability, increasing compatibility with new technologies, fixing common problems or errors, and increasing performance. However, there are some risks when updating the BIOS on some motherboard models.


Some motherboard models may suffer irreversible damage or loss if the BIOS is installed incorrectly or the BIOS installation is interrupted. So this is a relatively delicate process.

Other boards have mechanisms to address these issues, such as dual BIOS or bio flashback.

How to update the BIOS of an MSI board with M-Flash

The first thing we need is a FAT32 formatted USB flash drive. Note that we will not be able to format USB memory sticks in FAT32 format beyond 64 GB. If this is your case, the format is in NTFS. According to MSI, this should work without any problems, although I have not been able to check it.

Now we are going to download the BIOS. To do this, we go to the MSI download website or our motherboard website and provide support. And we downloaded the latest version of our motherboard BIOS.

How to know the correct name of our motherboard in seconds without installing anything else

This will download a .zip file that we need to extract—Right-click on the downloaded file and select Substrate.

We will create a folder that will contain two files. We now copy this entire folder (along with the two files inside) and paste it into the root directory of the USB memory (in the first directory). You don’t need to change the file name or extension or anything.

To enter the BIOS menu, restart the computer with USB connected to the computer and press the Dell or Dell key on the keyboard.

Now we are going to select the M Flash option in the BIOS, the system that has MSI to update the BIOS. This is usually at the bottom left of the screen.

By accepting the message that appears on the screen, the computer will restart and enter the M-Flash utility.

Now we select the USB flash drive on the left, on the right, we open the folder where we have the file and like the file with the new BIOS. Below we will look at the version of the installed BIOS and the version of the BIOS that we are going to install. Now we have to press Enter twice, and the installation will start.

I am installing the BIOS. We should wait about 3-5 minutes. We mustn’t turn off the computer or remove the USB flash drive during this process.

When the BIOS installation is complete, the system will restart automatically. Press the Dell or Dell key to enter the BIOS and confirm the new version of the BIOS. Note that we will have to rearrange most of the overclocking, boot, and other parameters depending on the BIOS version.