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How To Make Google Rank Your Blog Higher

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Many of those who start their business dream of popping up first in Google search results. A blog in itself helps you reach that goal amazingly. But to increase blog traffic and turn your blog into a lead generation machine, you need to learn how to improve Google search results beneficially for your website.

Whether you are new to website optimization or an experienced and successful blogger, learn all you need to know to make the most out of your blog in 2021.

How Google Ranks Websites

The process of website ranking is performed based on Google algorithms. However, it does not mean that there is a magic button that hits the bull’s eye and satisfies Google technically. Earlier, you could see articles with little to no sense, full of randomly inserted keywords that were supposed to be that one-size-fits-all approach.

But the algorithms get smarter. The reason is quite simple – there are people who create search engines. And people always work for other people as well as for their comfort.

That is why you can improve Google rank only with a systematic and comprehensive approach. There are hundreds of ranking factors considered by Google algorithms, but most of them simply require the quality of your website and the content inside.

User-friendly webpage design and relevant and comprehensive content are what should be the foundation for your further work. Develop the habit of posting regularly and inform your readers naturally and genuinely, and you will enjoy all the benefits of running a blog. 

But how to get noticed by your audience? Here are 5 tips from us that will help you improve google rank for your blog fast and effectively. 

5 Tips To Rank Higher In Google Search Results

1. Understand Your Audience

Who are you writing for? It may be ridiculous for some people but many bloggers do not know who exactly wants to see their content. However, it should be the first step before you do anything with your web place. 

By sketching your average visitor (age, gender, education, occupation, pain points, etc.) you will not only make your content resonate with them and choose the right promotion approaches but also understand what they are looking for and thus choose the most efficient keywords.

2. Build a Strong Backlink Profile

To appear higher in Google search results, you need to cooperate with other bloggers, too. As a form of off-page SEO, having other authoritative websites linking to you is a crucial factor for search engines to consider you a trustworthy source.

There are different types of backlinks as well as ways to get them. It will take time and effort to learn how to build your links effectively. Alternatively, you may want to use a backlink building service that knows best how to help you reach your goal of increasing the blog traffic with backlinks.

3. Write Guest Posts

Guest posting is popular among business owners (especially brand new ones) as a way to build backlinks mindfully: control the context, their placement, density, etc. Moreover, submitting guest posts allows you to introduce your product or service to a new audience.

The relevance of the website that accepts guest posts is key. Also, it is essential to give the audience valuable information, just like in any other post in the blog. Although guest posting is a great tactic for blog monetization in 2021, your post should not be promotional. You may want to rather insert your link to complement the content and as an option for readers to solve their problem.

4. Go Multilingual

Translating your blog into another language is a great way to reach out to a wider audience and increase blog traffic. But how about SEO? Can a plagiarism checker consider a translated piece as duplicated content?

The answer is “no” in case translation was performed professionally. But if you use Google Translator to save money and time, you can forget about blog translation for SEO. Poor text coherence, wrong grammar forms, word-for-word equivalents – that is what you will get from unanalyzed machine translation. It is exactly what harms your ranking.

5. Optimize Your Page

On-page search engine optimization implies among other things the following technical optimization:

  • page title & URL;
  • meta descriptions;
  • heading tags (h1, h2);
  • anchor text for inbound internal links;
  • image alt attributes;
  • optimization for various formats and devices (smartphone, tablet, etc.).

Do not forget to work on these factors to your optimization routine, and you will notice the improvement of your rankings instantly.

Wrapping Up 

It takes a couple of seconds for Internet users to find what they need in Google. But for business owners and other people who use their blogs to make some dough, blog monetization is not a piece of cake.

It takes some time, effort, and money to improve Google’s rank for your blog. But it will pay off in the form of boosted traffic and better brand awareness in a matter of months or even weeks. 

Once you learn and implement our tips and get used to producing meaningful and valuable content, you will see how people love what you make. Do your best to let them hear you, and enjoy your business prospering.