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How to Never Again Run Out of Content Topic Ideas


In the journey of digital marketing, the content of your website reigns supreme. If efforts are in your hands, and if you want to do everything in your power regarding your website, develop a robust and smooth flow of content updated regularly and posted at regular intervals. Although, it has been observed that it is quite difficult to achieve this feat. Analysis results point to the fact that:

  1. Every marketer needs at least one content topic idea each working day, amounting to approximately 250 new and fresh ideas in a year.
  2. About 50% of the marketers run dry with the flow of ideas to fuel their content publishing efforts.

At such times when ideas are not readily available, it is no less than a paralyzing situation for a content marketer. They know that it is important to produce content and to maintain a flow of content at a steady rate, but they somehow are unable to generate enough ideas.

Nevertheless, the Dallas digital marketing agency suggests that there are ways to tackle this situation.

One can generate many ideas for their blog, website, social media platforms, podcasts, etc., by following a few straightforward and systematic steps and procedures.

Below we will discuss a few steps to ensure you never again run out of content topic ideas. These steps are result driven and tested by the top marketers.


If numbers speak for themselves, then look at the following statistics regarding Quora.

  1. Quora has a whopping 300 million unique visitors every month.
  2. Almost 400 thousand topics are discussed in various fields each month.
  3. Around 3000 to 5000 questions are being asked daily, with an average of 6 to 7 responses to each question.

Digital marketing agencies in Dallas vouch for a platform like Quora to find great and unique ideas for content creation.

Just search for your topic or keyword on Quora, and you will find various questions asked by different visitors worldwide.

It will give you a perspective of what people are asking and what could be the answers they are looking for. This perspective alone can help you to read the customer’s mindset and generate new ideas to solve their problems.

Reddit and Subreddits

With 50-million-plus daily active unique visitors and more than 100 thousand active communities, Reddit is a gold mine for someone searching for ideas.

It is a forum-based site with myriad QNA (Questions and Answers) posts. The topic-based unique forum consists of communities known as Subreddits. Subreddits are smaller forums that narrow down their focus on a particular topic.

Search through Reddit regarding your specific topic or keyword, and you will find an enormous list of Reddit subreddits. Each Reddit is a broad category, and the subreddits are more topic-specific categories of your search query.

The Dallas digital marketing company and other top digital marketers from around the world have found that if a post from a Reddit user has got several upvotes and comments, then those posts can be a topic idea for your content.

A thorough analysis of the Reddit search and posts can give you a steady supply of topic ideas and also allow you to delve deeper into the mindset of the specific community. You will know beforehand what people want and why. This insight will help you to customize your content to target a specific audience in your digital marketing campaign.

Keywords Search Tools

You have a niche and some keyword ideas related to your products and services.

A keyword research tool will help you to generate ample keywords around your niche and help you understand what people use to search for their queries around the niche.

This insight helps you to build your content tightly focused on the keywords of your target audience.

There are plenty of keyword search tools, both free and paid. Some of them are good and some might not give you the desired results. Some of these are for beginner-level users, while others are for intermediate and advanced users.

Amongst the free tools available currently, Moz Keyword Explorer, Google Keyword Planner, Semrush, etc., are used by most digital marketers.

The finest digital marketing companies in Dallas use the best keyword search applications and tools to generate a long list of ideas to keep the content calendar engaged for a long time.

Using Google Autocomplete

Have you ever started typing your query on the Google search bar, and a list of suggestions pops beneath? This feature is known as Google Autocomplete.

You need to note all the suggestions that Google offers in the list around your primary keyword search initiative. All of those suggestions could be your topic ideas.

Another helpful method is to pay attention to a section known as the “People also ask” and the “Related search” shown on the Google search results pages. One can notice that autocomplete and the related searches of Google are demographic and region centered. This readily gives you an insight into the popular and relevant keywords and ideas trending in a particular region, city, or country, or the keywords that a specific group of population or age is using most frequently.

The Dallas digital marketing company and other similar top digital marketers believe that since Google is a prominent player in the search engine arena, one will get a lot of ready-to-use keywords, phrases, and topic ideas by using these sections wisely.

Competitor Analysis

Most businesses operate in a competitive environment. It is thus vital to know your competitors well to position yourself in the market.

Since a particular website or business is your competitor, you will likely find topics of similar interest and the same niche in their content. Identify and analyze the competitor’s website, blogs, social media handles, etc., and identify the commonly used and unique keywords.

While doing a competitor analysis, check the medium of content delivery, the frequencies and types of content and campaigns run, the most popular content published by your competitors, etc. Locate the keywords used by them and analyze their SEO metrics.

This insight will provide you with numerous ideas for your topic.

Using Google Trends

As the name suggests, Google Trends tells you the trending topics in a particular niche and region. One can even get the keywords or phrases that are related to a specific trending topic in Google by narrowing down the search to a specific region, city, or country.

The best Dallas digital marketing agencies point out that a wisely conducted search in Google Trends combined with Google Autocomplete and other such tools will give you a list of keywords and topic ideas that are current, fresh, and relevant to your niche. A periodic search using these tools will ensure your content calendar is filled with ideas to work on.

Ask Your Customers 

It is for the customers that you are building your content. What better way to know what to work on than by asking your customers what they want? However, bluntly asking a customer does not provide you with results.

The Dallas digital marketing agency agrees that a genuinely customer-driven brand that seeks the valuable opinions of its customers will never run out of content ideas.

One needs to be tactful and polite and make sure it is convenient and secure for the customer to share their opinions. There are a lot of platforms and ways to get to know what the customers are looking for.

Installing a chatbot on your website, asking for the customers’ opinions through a poll, or seeking feedback from their experiences about your brand and products will provide insight into how your customers perceive your brand. It will also give you enough new ideas to produce your next content.

Wrap Up

Having your content calendar beaming with topic ideas to create meaningful content requires following some systematic approach and methodical steps.

Trusted digital marketing companies in Dallas practice some of these proven techniques to generate topic ideas.

So if you ever come across a dry patch with no new ideas, go through the steps enumerated above, and you will generate many ideas that will make the content portfolio blossom.