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How to Pass a Session Successfully: Routine and Daily Regime of a Student

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When the time comes to pass the exams, students activate all the abilities for survival: they want to pass the exams easily, quickly, and with honors.

In this article, we will tell you about a unique, and most importantly, effective methodology, the basis of which is the correct daily routine of a student.

Time Management for Students

It would seem that wise men have repeatedly told naughty students how important it is to maintain a daily routine. However, it is one thing to give advice, and quite another to show in practice how it works. Often students cannot divide their tasks into priority and less important, so they often have problems with planning. Instead of delegating some of his tasks or getting writing help, the student tries to do everything on his own, which in the end is of little effect.  

We will advise the student how to manage everything and pass the session on excellent marks. With the help of our recommendations, you will keep a high level of performance for several weeks and memorize large amounts of information without damaging your health and nervous system.

Daily routine

We have already mentioned that at the heart of this methodology is a rational mode of educational work of the student. But it has not yet been explained what this means. The bottom line is that according to this method instead of one working day you get three full days of work.

How does it work? Let’s organize the student’s work and rest schedule as follows: you wake up and start the day with a standard set of actions:

  • eating;
  • exercise;
  • stress.

It seems simple and does not require any explanation, and you have heard this many times, but do not hurry to conclude, and it is better to read further.


To wake up quickly in the morning and get your brain up and running quickly, your body needs protein. Protein contains essential amino acids that stimulate the brain and “turn on” you like a light bulb.

The right amount of protein is found in:

  • eggs (in any form);
  • cottage cheese (fatty, crumbly, or liquid);
  • fish (boiled, steamed, or salted);
  • meat (cooked chicken breast, beef, or veal).

Unlike foods containing carbohydrates (flour products, bread, favorite pastries, and other sweets), there is no drowsiness after “shock” intake of protein, which overcomes after eating carbohydrates.

Physical exercises in the students’ daily routine

For at least 10 minutes, try to give your best: jumps, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, abs – all exercises that engage the full volume of muscle groups.

Why does it work? Such physical activity helps you finally wake up and also raises your internal body temperature.


Don’t worry, no one is making you nervous from the morning. You have enough of this ” stuff” during the preparation for exams and the answer to the teacher. To increase the effectiveness of exercise on the body, you need stress:

  • loud music (wake the neighbors – let them join in);
  • bright light;
  • contrast shower.

This way the body will finally wake up, and you will be ready to work hard throughout the day.


When you are past all 3 stages of awakening, move on to planning.

Don’t start studying until you have a clear understanding of exactly what you are going to do.

So, your first workday starts at 7-7:30 a.m. It consists of 4.5 hours of just pure study. That doesn’t mean you have to sit like a statue in a textbook the entire time. Take 30-second breaks every hour and a half.

The fact is that an hour and a half is a small cycle associated with the activity of the hormone orexin, which makes us more alert and awake. Any monotony causes us to start feeling sleepy and our performance gradually drops.

That’s why it’s important to break the cycle into intervals where you can move from the sofa to your desk, work standing up, lying down, hopping – in short, change your posture or move to another room. The same environment has a soporific effect on your nerve cells.

The Pomodoro Technique

The time management technique invented in 1980 by Italian Francesco Cirillo is named after the kitchen tomato. Why? Because the kitchen tomato timer is “wound up” for a certain period, such as 25 minutes, and it rings, signaling that time has elapsed.

The fact is that the maximum productivity of one hemisphere for specific tasks is no more than 25 minutes, after which you need a short break (3-5 minutes). Even such a short pause already helps “reset” the brain.

For the next task, it is also set at 25 minutes, read, take a short break, and then go back to work. The main thing is not to stop, even when you do not understand something in the material.

Number of cycles of a rational student’s daily routine

Recall that our day consists of three. Each day includes 4.5 hours of work. We divide 4.5 hours into 5-6 “tomatoes”. After the 6th “tomato” we take a break for lunch and physical activity.

This time simple exercises are not enough: take a walk, meet with friends, socialize, go to the store – most importantly, move around and distract yourself. After an hour, start planning your tasks for the second day and start “tomato”!

Your day should look like this:

  • Morning: breakfast, physical activity, stress, planning, and 5-6 “tomato” cycles.
  • Afternoon: lunch, physical activity, planning, and 5-6 “tomato” cycles.
  • Evening: dinner, physical activity, planning, and 5-6 tomato cycles.