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How To See Who My Wife Is Messaging On Instagram

Instagram is a popular social media app where people share their pictures and video with their followers. However, it’s not just limited to that you can even send messages to people who you want to contact even if you are not their follower. These messages are called DM’s or direct messages. 

If you doubt that your Wife is recently very active on Instagram so much so that she doesn’t have time to spend with you then you must spy on their Instagram activities. Especially they’re messages because there is a possibility that she must be chatting with their significant other on Instagram. 

Don’t worry in this article I will show you how to see who your wife is messaging on Instagram. So without wasting any time let’s get started.

Why Instagram Is A Good Cheating App?

Before we move further with the article, let’s have a quick look at why your wife may choose Instagram for cheating on you. 

  1. Easy To Meet Strangers: Instagram is all about showing off your money, body, and lifestyle. It’s easy for anyone to fall for a stranger with luxurious life or perfect body. 
  2. You Can DM Anyone: If you like someone you can send them a DM instantly even if you are not their follower unless they have not made their Instagram account private. 
  3. Hidden Messages: This is probably the biggest reason why cheaters love to use Instagram. With the Hidden message feature, you can send someone secret messages which no other person can read other than you and the person on the other end. 

How To See Who My Wife Is Messaging On Instagram?

It’s hard to manually check your wife’s Instagram account to see who they are messaging because if they see you checking out their account they will come to know that you have doubts about them. 

Hence you will have to make use of special Instagram monitoring tools that can remotely sync all the Instagram activities and messages to your device so that you can see with whom they are chatting. 

  1. Glassagram 

Glassagram is an app that is solely made to monitor Instagram. You need to install this app on your wife’s phone and then wait for it to track their Instagram activities for you. The app is hidden so don’t worry your wife will have no idea that you are secretly reading her Instagram messages. 

The app can show you all their Insta activities like what posts they have liked, their comments, see who they are messaging, and much more. Glassagram does all this with the help of screenshots.

It captures a screenshot whenever someone opens the Instagram app on their phone. With the help of these screenshots not only will you be able to see who your wife is messaging on Instagram but also read their messages. Overall, it’s a good spy app to track your wife’s Insta activities to see if she’s really cheating on you or not.

  1. uMobix

uMobix is popular spyware that can track your wife’s phone and monitor their Instagram activities on both Android and iPhone. Unlike Glassagram, it tracks Instagram with both screenshots and keylogger. That means you can see their activities and well as read their messages which are recorded by the keylogger. 

When I tested this app, I was able to track the hidden chats done by the target person on their Instagram account. This means even if your wife plays smart by hiding her messages you can still read them and see who she’s messaging on Instagram.

The thing I like the most about uMobix is that it shows you whenever the target person is using Instagram by showing a green online dot on your uMobix dashboard in front of the Instagram option. If you find your wife is using Instagram at odd times for example midnight then you can know that she’s definitely messaging someone she doesn’t want you to know about. 

  1. FlexiSPY

Out of all the spy apps that I have tested to date, FlexiSPY is the one spyware that does it all. Basically, it is a one-stop shop for all your spying needs. From tracking calls to social media, to remotely accessing the target phone and whatnot? You name it and this spy app can do it for you. 

However, to access all the advanced features, you have to root or jailbreak the target phone. If you can then you can see all your wife’s Instagram messages and see with whom she is sharing messages. 

Not just messages you can also listen to her calls made on the Instagram app. FlexiSPY is the only app that does that. However, as I said this advanced feature will only work if your wife’s phone is rooted.

If your wife’s phone is not rooted then you can only read her Instagram messages using a keylogger. In case she is using an iPhone then the app only works if it is jailbroken. 

Final Verdict

It’s very common to cheat in a relationship these days and Instagram is a tool that is mostly used by cheaters to indulge in infidelity. 

If you have doubt that your wife is messaging someone on Instagram then before taking any action you must collect some evidence against her. The hidden spy apps for Android & iPhone which I have shared above can help you do just that. With these apps, you can see who your wife is messaging on Instagram. By reading her messages you can know whether she is actually cheating or it was you who is assuming things.