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How to Set Up a YouTube Channel for Kids 

I’ve been a parent and a content creator for years now, and I can say that I learn a few things about YouTube, especially when it comes to kid channels. Honestly, this platform is a great place for kids to show off their talent, learn a lot of interesting and useful things to their education, and even improve their speaking abilities. So it is time to learn how to create a safe YouTube channel for kids with the right way! In this article, we will talk about how to keep your child’s YouTube channel safe and interesting at the same time. 

Step 1: What Are YouTube’s Policies for Kids’ Content? 

First of all, we need to learn YouTube’s rules about channels and contents that are safe for kids. These rules are created for kids to have a safe space in social media world by YouTube and they are crucial. Channels that are made for kids must follow these rules such as which ads can be shown to these users or how to collect data from them. 

We need to make sure that we follow these rules and our content is suitable for the age group that we targeted for our content before we publish any videos. This is a step that must gingerly take to protect children from any ads or content that aren’t healthy for them. 

Step 2: Need a Google Account 

Well of course we need a Google Account to create our YouTube Channel. But if the child is any younger than 13 need a parent or guardian’s account to set up the You Tube channel. With this rule YouTube gives power to parents or guardians to watch out what has been going on their kids’ channel. 

Step 3: Set Up the YouTube Channel 

When our Google account is ready, it’s easy to set up a YouTube channel for kids. But let’s not rush into it! It is time to make our channel looks cool and kid-friendly by adding a profile picture and a banner that represents the channel’s soul.  

How our channel looks very important if we want to get young kids to watch our channel. Let’s think of it like getting ready for a costume party: our channel needs to look good, feel friendly and appealing. Picking pictures that are bright and exciting can help kids to use their imaginations. We could try to write an interesting story about what our channel is about in the “About” section.  

Step 4: Content Planning and Strategy 

When I am planning or to come up with a new content for my own channel I always try to think about what gets my kid excited. Do they like fairy tales, cool science experiments, or making things? We need content that is super fun to them while being educative. 

Also, let’s not forget our titles, descriptions, and tags right? They should be exact, short and fun for kids. We can add a little bit of humor for example, it’ll be a good ice breaker and get them watch or explore our channel. ⁤⁤And of course our title is one of the first thing they will see so the title could be like the first line of their favorite story, something that makes them want to read more. ⁤⁤The tags and descriptions we use should take them to the cool world we’ve created for them in this channel.   

Step 5: For Filming and Editing  

Wow do not get ahead of yourself and spend a fortune right away. Let’s start small and I believe getting some simple filming gear can make a big change and make our videos look much better. Also, we shouldn’t make our too long; kids will probably get bored quickly. And there are lots of easy to use softwares out there that makes editing videos easy and we can benefit from them. We can add cool graphics and music to our videos to make them more fun to watch for the kids. 

Step 6: Ensuring Online Safety 

Let’s acknowledge that these days, it’s really important to stay safe online. We need to pay close attention to what people say on our channel and in the comments. We might want to make our videos “approved comments only” for our kids. Talk to your kid about how to stay safe online and why they shouldn’t give out personal information. This means their full name, where they live, or where they go to school. Also, they should be careful about what they post or show in videos and say in comments. To keep them safe on YouTube, we need to teach them about these things. For more information on how to make YouTube a safe and fun place for kids, click here for more tips and techniques

Step 7: Building an Audience 

We need to warm hearts and be welcoming while responding to comments and ask people to subscribe to our channel. If we share our videos on social media platforms, which is called cross-sharing, we can bring more eyes to our content and grow with call-to-action. 

Step 8: Monitoring and Adapting 

I usually check how’s my video doing, and we should do the same here. There is a really useful tool called YouTube’s analytics where we can learn a lot about our viewers. What they like, what they don’t like and we can change our approach according to these data with the help of YouTube analytic. And also, this helps us to understand trends, find out who watches our videos, and choose the best times to post and so on. Thanks to this, we can make videos that are fun and also help our channel get more views and grow beautifully.