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How to Use Proxies on Sites with Captcha?

Receiving captchas that require you to confirm that you are not a robot can be annoying. Especially, when you get combinations of symbols that are so blurred that you can’t write them down properly or you can’t choose the right pictures to mark for their ambiguity.

And when you get them while working on important and time-consuming matters, like data harvesting or sneaker copping, they can be not only irritating but even harmful. If you are using bots, they will likely get stuck in it. It will cost you efficiency and time – exactly what for you are using them in the first place.

Throughout many years since these captchas began to be applied for stopping non-human traffic on the internet, a few workarounds have been developed to relieve internet users of these bothersome tasks. Proxies are one of such solutions, and we will discuss them in detail.

The main function of a proxy

Proxy is an intermediary server that is used to disguise the identity of its user by changing their IP address and using a new one instead.

An ordinary IP address, among other things, is used to identify its user and track their activity while specifying the location from which the user connects to the internet. It doesn’t have to be precise, but a city or a country is just enough for certain restrictions to be laid out.

When a proxy masks your IP and readdresses all your requests with a new address, it will have completely different information disclosed in it, and any attempt to track the user will fail. The new IP address will lead to a different location and will not have all the actions done by the original user as the continual activity that can be seen on a single IP address.

Depending on a proxy provider and the type of service you choose, you can have a rotating IP address that changes over time.

It makes you anonymous because certain parcels of your actions will be done with different IP addresses, and there will be no linkage from what has been done under one IP address to what’s going on under the other one. That allows you to surf the internet without raising too many suspicions for whatever reason they would arise normally.

Proxies banish captchas

A captcha being thrown your way for multiple reasons that can be generalized as assumed non-humanly activity.

When you are working on the internet too fast for a regular internet user or when you do too many tasks in a short period, you seem like a robot that does automated tasks without getting tired, so you are suspected. Or you can just suddenly increase or decrease the pace of your activity. Or it might seem inconsistent with what you are usually doing on the internet.

All these things are seen as happening under your IP address, so it gets checked by receiving a captcha. When captcha proxies are used and your IP address changes from time to time, your different actions can’t be counted as done by the same user. Therefore, you can’t be identified as someone whose actions are suspicious.

Even if supposed suspicions are correct, and you are really using bots for improving your web scraping or other matters, these bots also have different IP addresses that change over time and can’t be tracked for a longer period.

Without proxies, they would be an easy target of a captcha and could be stuck there. But when their IPs are changing constantly, they can’t be identified. Neither can you.

Proxies are enough for avoiding captchas and minimizing them to insignificant rarities. That works extremely efficiently when you are on sites that use captchas only as occasional ways of protection against bot activity by inserting captchas randomly or when your traffic is suspected to be abnormal.

What to do with steady captchas?

Unfortunately, some sites use captchas persistently regardless of your activity or whether you are using bots. For instance, they might be used when you are registering or changing passwords on some websites, and they will stay there every time you do these actions.

If the captcha is just hammered into the site and can’t be evaded in any way, proxies can’t help, for their main task is to divert any possible identification so that you would not get tracked and would not receive these captchas.

Proxies can help you avoid them but can’t really solve them when they are already there.

In such cases, you need additional tools that can help you solve captchas. If you don’t want to deal with them manually, you will need automatic captcha solvers. Some browser extensions that can automatically fill captchas might also be helpful.

Although you must use these tools because proxies can’t solve already received captchas, proxy servers might still be useful in these situations.

If you are filling all these captcha check-ups too frequently, and you will most surely do that if you are using automatic captcha solvers, you will raise suspicions that will end up in even more captchas directed at you and in blocking you eventually. So, you will still need to change your IP address and rotate it every once in a while.

If you are automatically solving captchas at a fast pace, scattering these actions under different IP addresses will help you stay unidentified. That will help you avoid increasing the number of captchas that you receive, and it will let you stay anonymous and avoid getting blocked. Your bots will also stay anonymous and will not get blocked.


Captcha proxies allow you to disguise your different portions of actions under different IP addresses, thus making your actions seem like done by different users and granting you a lot fewer captcha check-ups. If your work on the internet goes to the point where you need an automatic solver for the captchas that can’t be avoided, you will also need a proxy server to avoid getting blocked for solving them too fast.