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Is My Therapist Helping Me?

We go to therapy to get help for our mental health. But, how do you know if your therapist is helping you? One way to gauge this is to consider your therapeutic goals. Ask yourself, why did I choose to go to therapy? For example, perhaps you’ve sought treatment because you’re depressed. You can tell if your therapist is helping you if your depression is improving. But, that’s not the only way to gauge if your therapist is helping. Here are some signs that your therapist is doing a good job and you’re getting the help that you need.

You look forward to hearing their perspective.

One way to tell if your therapist is helpful is your attitude toward therapy. Even if you don’t like going to therapy, ask yourself, do you value what your therapist has to say? If the answer is: yes, then your therapist is probably helping you. Different therapists have diverse approaches. Some providers give more of a “tough love” stance. They’re not there to be your friend, but rather point out hard truths. However, it’s not about just telling you what’s not working; it’s about helping you to turn what’s not working into what does work. If you’re interested in hearing your therapist’s point of view, that’s a positive sign. 

Your life is changing for the better

One reason you probably sought therapy is you wanted to better your life. If you notice that things are improving, your relationships are getting easier to navigate, and your overall quality of life is getting better, that means that your therapist is helping. There’s no need to analyze it; you don’t need to know why or how they’re helping, but just accept the fact that your therapist is a part of the reason your life is going well. They’re teaching you ways to cope with life stressors and make things more manageable for you. 

People notice you’re doing better

One gauge of how well therapy is going is when other people in your life notice your mood improving. If your loved ones remark that you’re doing well, take note of that. The people closest to you know what it’s like when you’re thriving and when you’re struggling. If your best friend, for example, says, “you seem happier,” that probably means your therapist is doing an excellent job at helping you. 

You get a lot out of sessions

Where does the time go? If you find yourself thinking each session that you can’t believe the 45 minutes is up, that means you’re getting a lot out of therapy. Time flies when therapy is working. If you find that all of a sudden the session is up, and you’ve got so much more, you want to say, that means your therapist is doing an excellent job! It’s not just about how well your therapist is doing; it’s also about the connection between you and your provider. 

The therapist and client relationship matters

Not every therapist is going to work for every client. You might vibe well with a therapist, and your friend may not like that person. One way you’ll know that therapy is working is if you like the relationship with your therapist. You value the bond you have, and you want to continue gaining emotional insight into yourself. Your therapist needs to be the point person who helps you learn more about yourself. If you’re looking for an insightful therapeutic relationship, try using an online counselor. The therapists at BetterHelp are dedicated to helping their clients better their lives. You can find a counselor who gets you and makes you feel like you matter. The first step to a successful therapy journey feels like your therapist cares. Once you’ve established that, then you’re on a good path. Consider working with an online therapist who’s dedicated to your mental health. You’ll notice your life-changing for the better, the more you attend therapy sessions. 

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.